Its so similar to sc_avp
Because some moments in AVP were simply stolen from NW.
These map was for SC4.8, Playing with the current SC5.25 version may no longer work properly.
Especially after SC team deleted the feature of pushable entity being 1 unit from the ground in 5.24.
By the way, if possible, please delete the "-nuclear_winter.bsp", this map is a black history to me.
Several maps are broken, specially those with cutscenes. The first mapo you mention is a lobby to wait for players with 2 buttons, i think it is fine, most sven maps have this. What I recommend is learning merging with bspguy, since this map series has 27 maps!! that are very short, and merging could reduce it to less than 10 for sure, maybe even less.
This conversion were most made by Ice Box. I just did a little.
We don't have these maps' rmf, so merging maps seems unlikely to be possible.
For myself, I was no longer supports this map after the first convert version is released nearly 10 years ago. I won't try to fix these broken maps.
The Lobby Map it self is OK, but this map has a whiteboard labeled the author, I just no longer want others to see my name suffix I left on it. That is what I say "black history".
For uploader:
I'm RRTS-LCH, Seems that this version is the orignal release 1.0, It's not the latest release.(But latest relase is also about 10 years ago)
After release there are 5 patch for fixing some bugs. Maybe it can fix some playing issue.
Not that it working on SC4.8, so I don't know if it work well in current SC version.
I've uploaded fix patch in this page NW5thMapFix.7z, But please delete it, because others are uploaded a repack version contains my patch. I'm not owner cannot delete files.
I've just tried the recently uploaded merged version and there are some problems very early on - on the first map the intro cutscene does not trigger at all and on the second map players remain stuck in the ruined building. I did not play beyond this point so there may be further issues.
Some players on my server found an issue on nwmerged2 - after shooting the explosive crate under the pipes they all blow up (to be expected I guess), but the teleport triggers that are meant to move them to the new spawn points aren't working. So they then remain trapped in the previous spawn area due to the rubble blocking their way.
about that part yap one time get softlock happend after blow up pipe.
also.. some of Cof and Insurgency weapons used same slot.