seems that if my server loaded metamod to play this map series, the server will always crash during changelevel without any notice.
I tried to use VS debugger, but it shows backtrace stack is in server.dll. So I don't know where and why it crashes.
Then I tried clearing all server side plugins in default_map_settings but still crash.
To avoid changelevel crash, I must unload map's plugin, or unload metamod and all server side plugins. (Looks like map's plugin with server plugins caused series resonance)
That's strange.
I've been told the fallguys plugin was removed from some servers since it causes many maps to crash.
But if you want you can also try removing the scripts from one by one to see if that solves your problem.
Try it with v1b now. In the meantime I'll talk to the script author to see if there's any problems. If all fails I'll upload a v1c without that scripted weapon. :(
You can also safely remove that gun from the script since its only dropped once as an easter egg
I'll try v1b later, I've solved crash problem:
The crash localtion is in line 226 ~weapon_m134hero()
This function can be renamed as OnDestory() to avoid crash.
It's a dangerous opreation to call ~xxx() in AS, because during this time the weapon entity(self) may already removed. OnDestory() is a safer way instead.
hzqst(metamod-fallguy's author) released a fixed metamod version for metamod side problem:
New issue:
There is a missing sprite:
I saw your comment a bit late but I had already found exactly the same, the script author had fixed it already and I have updated the scripts and some sprite references. I've uploaded it so you should try v1c now :)
As for the missing file progressbar.spr, this is a resguy problem because it cannot read the script properly. Resguy reads this and thinks the sprite is missing:
const string SPRITE_HUD = "custom_weapons/cso/progressbar.spr"
but the reason is its not because of the next line:
g_Game.PrecacheGeneric( "sprites/" + SPRITE_HUD );
The progrssbar.spr is in the zip as well
I've complete the map twice, the combat experience is awesome, especially the battle of climbing on the cliffs impressed me a lot.
And I accidentally found a misspelling (or was it intentional) when I local playing with debug enable, it doesn't block the gameplay,:
in opbt_4, a suqademaker named e2m1squads2, the childname should be monster_gargantua instead of monster_garg.
one of my favorite mods for HL is finally in SC! been waiting so many years for someone to do this. good job!
I was very happy to test it btw
Let's do play this with 32 playerss !!
Opposing force mods are not many but you can find some good mods for sven coop :>
There is a strange new bug in opbt_3 in first defense combat.
Normally, a truck would enter the minefield and trigger the mine, after which the truck would be destroyed and the mine would disappear.
But sometimes when the truck stopped after reaching the finish line, it didn't trigger the mine and just stayed there.
As a result, the minefield is still active and the players can never pass through.
There were no problems ever with that so far. Recently other players reported it working just fine. It is weird that the truck just stayed there stuck, this means it didn't trigger anything. There are also reports on other maps with npcs not triggering on death or triggering brushes, but its always the same people. I believe that you are using a plugin that is causing this to many entities, so they aren't able to trigger things properly. Try again without the plugins. In the meantime I will upload a new version with a failsafe on that.
In opbt5 and opbt8, button to operate the containers dont worked for me. Exemaple opbt5: Simply we pressed the button in opbt5 the container move on top of the towe defense…
What was supposed to happen? Did we have to stand on top of the container and he take us or was it for the container to fall into the tower?
In opbt8, my friend and i pressed the button to operate the container (i thinks is suposed to do) and nothing happens.
In opbt7 map, when descending used the main elevator, it kills the players when it is almost reaching the end of the well
In opbt9 a door opens to inside, this kills player crushed when one of then are using de suit charger.
I recorded a full gameplay video with a few friends in case anyone wants it.