Author | Sence, w00tguy123 |
Date of release | Not yet released |
.bsp filename | Rotfang (exclude the ".bsp") |
This is my last project, which I probably won't work on anymore. So I'm just gonna put the source files here, maybe someone is interested in finishing it. The concept is also done. Well not really my last I just probably won't do another svencoop release though.
Map - Documentation
1- weapon powerups (cooldowns, damage, capacity, etc.)
2- extra monster gore (gibs on each shot, more blood)
3- smgs and pistols, if it hits the enemy a flinch animation plays
4- shotguns are ludacris and should shoot of bodyparts. (NO AUTOSHOTGUN)
5- really big guns exterminate the enemie completly.
6- the enemie knows no fear and even attacks with missing body parts. (if
arms are missing he shall headbutt)
7- enemie without legs can still shoot but not move.
8- monsters drop powerups as you damage the blow limbs off of monsters
(disable body groups).
9- randomize the powerups
10- optimization pls.
11- No cutscenes, only use cinematic animation realtime, Also add a
possibility to skip.
12- The amount of Enemies Should variate between 3 amounts Less,Much,Many
13- env_shake if a gone is shot
Sound Design
1- New weapon sounds and usage of ambient sounds. (NOT TO LOUD Shhh). If
backround music should randomize it. (Between 5 Songs)
2- New weapon sounds and usage of ambient sounds. (NOT TO LOUD Shhh). If
backround music should randomize it. (Between 2 Songs)
Level Design
1- Rotfang implements different 5 paths, the paths get archieved by the players
that lets you have a different ending. Each path will have added random events,
3 event work. This opens the possibility of 2 paths, the player will go through
one of them. Lets say if the player plays good they can proceed through a path
that opens for them and one path should open if they didn't play as good as
they should have or loose an specific goal.
The 2 paths are also random times 2 as we implement 5 paths, so we use 4 paths
in total and have 1 path left. So we also include a rare random path that is
not archieved by the player and well really rare.
2- At the end there should allways be a bossfight. So we use 5 boss events.
(Lame and lazy boss fights are not allowed for the sake of being there ,just
a note for myself)
3- No cutscenes, only use cinematic animation realtime, Also add a
possibility to skip.
4- For the enviremont we will use propmodels mostly. To rise performance,
everything should also be very low poly.
5- The amount of Enemys Should variate between 3 amounts Less,Much,Many
6- Each area should have a random variation of puzzle difficulty. Also add
the possibility of no puzzles. (no puzzle, medium, hard)
7- Each Area needs a seamless teleport with a random transition. It should
always varie between 3 areas
8- At the start of the map, you can buy new guns and upgrades depending of
how good you played last time. (Score points are stored with your STEAM:ID)
9- Some guns, can only be bought, if you managed to finish a good path. A
good path gives you an achievement, with it you are be able to buy a certain
gun.(Achievements are stored with your STEAM:ID)
-The map has an intro and the mappers models are placed at places as
-The map has an rare outro with a rare boss fight. It also must have some
epic cinematics.
Additional info
Additional credits