Aggregate Pain
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Aggregate Pain
Author | Michael Sisk |
Original mod release | March 6, 1999 |
Date of release | Final (conversion) - January 27, 2017 |
.bsp filenames | agpain1, agpain2, agpain3 |
An old map for Half-life converted to Sven Co-op.
Once again you are Gordon Freeman (or you can pretend you are not). You just made it out alive as the military was taking over the Black Mesa Compound. They are now using the compound to engineer a hideous monster capable of mass destruction. As a member of a new organization, intent on thwarting the military's evil plans for corruption, you have been assigned to sneak into the compound, find your way to the hideous monstrosity, and destroy it. Good luck!
Additional info
- "This is my second level for Half-Life. My first one was called Sepulcher. It got a score of 31 on Radium's website. It was fairly short and linear. Many people also complained that it was too difficult. I'm fairly certain that Aggregate Pain is much better than Sepulcher. It's bigger, less linear, and has better gameplay. It still might seem a little bright on 3dfx cards since I'm running on a TNT which has a tendency to make everything seem darker. Aggregate Pain means Total Pain. If you download this level please e-mail me and let me know what you think of it." -Michael Sisk
- "I really dont know what i was thinking when i converted this and, adding a wad with a name (seems i was thinking like a 11 year old boy stealing something and adding the name on it.). Do not download this. All credits belong to Garompa for fixing and to the original autor. Thanks and sorry." -Giselachar20
Additional credits
- Garompa (conversion fix)
- giselachar20 (conversion)
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- For discussion not related to this map, post in the forum.
- If you need help installing maps, please read the installation guide.
There are over 1635 maps for Sven Co-op! Here are a few:
page revision: 35, last edited: 04 Mar 2024 18:48
El mapa me resultó muy entretenido, aumenta tus ventajas al obtener armas y te hace descubrir nuevos caminos donde hay enemigos para luchar, un mapa relativamente fácil a mi parecer, es recomendable jugarlo de pocos ya que si se juega de varios el mapa sería muy corto. El jefe final me pareció muy clásico y sencillo de vencer al tener armas poderosas, me hubiera gustado que la batalla sea más extensa y agregue más enemigos para lograr una mayor dificultad. Pero en general es un mapa bueno y recomendable, con mucha variedad de enemigos y escenarios. Has realizado un adecuado trabajo.
Maps fixed :)
need more ammo or a cfg file.
in part 3 the elevator drive down.
Yours die and the elevator stay down. hmmm
But if all the bugs have been fixed it is a good map
agpain2 and agpain3 haven't a .res file.
A lot of textures are badly placed or misdirected, I'm not sure how to pass to the agpain3, weird solid/illusionary in agpain3 -134 -115 0 (you can see under the map).
Discord: Cadaver#7565
Lamentablemente, el mapa tuvo que ser decompilado, estaba hecho con un editor bastante antiguo, con triggers que ya no existen mas siquiera, el mapa original es asi, tiene las texturas mal puestas, y un monton de solidos no tienen sentidos. Simplemente le cambie los triggers y arregle un buen par de texturas.
Siempre podes usar la herramienta ripent, que no modifica ningún solido, solo las entidades, la pregunta es, si el mod original era así, ¿por que decidiste portearlo?.
Discord: Cadaver#7565
Lo pase a sven coop porque me parecio interesante, mas que nada por ser un mapa muy viejo. Los .bsp originales no cambian de mapa y no tienen el spawn, y las entidades no se activan.
I have fixed the maps people, try again now.
giselachar20 te arregle los mapas. Para arreglar mapas viejos no hace falta recompilar, con un ripent es suficiente porque lo que se rompe son las entidades. Ademas al recompilar algo paso y aparecio el problema de las texturas dadas vuelta, cosa que el mapa original no tiene. Baje el mapa original y meti tus cambios y los mios y ahora anda perfecto :)
english (for the rest of the people):
giselachar20 I fixed your maps. To fix old maps you dont have to recompile, using ripent is enough because the entities are what breaks. Also, by recompiling you f'd up the textures, something that in the original maps didn't exist. So I downloaded the original maps and added your changes and my fixes and maps are fine now :)