Azure Sheep (OUTDATED)
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Azure Sheep (OUTDATED)
Author | DAVLevels |
Original mod release | 25 August, 2001 |
Date of release | 20 February, 2020 |
Last update | v1.4 - 25 October 17, 2020 |
.bsp filename | asmap00 (+45 maps) |
You play one of the security guards that is on duty in one of the entrances of the Black Mesa facility. When the chaos starts you realize that Kate, your colleague, code name Azure Sheep, is in the complex and in big danger. You decide to rescue her!
Additional info
- This campaign has a 66% antirush feature to ensure the levels are not rushed and have players stick together to increase the quality of co-op.
- The training levels have not yet been ported
- If Kate dies at any point, the level will restart
Additional credits
Sven Co-op Conversion - Chocolate IceCream
Scripting and maintainence- Outerbeast
Model fixes - Garompa
Playtesting and bug reports - kmkz
Special thanks to:
- Zode for creating the lazyripent tool, a lot of time and energy was saved using it on this port
- AlexCorruptor for continued support and bug reports
- Gauna for the Otis HEV playermodels
- KernCore and Sniper for help with custom npcs
Rate this map
2.7 / 5 (15 votes)
Comments & discussion
- Feedback should be constructive.
- For discussion not related to this map, post in the forum.
- If you need help installing maps, please read the installation guide.
There are over 1641 maps for Sven Co-op! Here are a few:
page revision: 69, last edited: 14 Jan 2025 21:25
almost all game_text won't be shown.
I found a bug.
All the game_text use wrong spawnflags "2".
So only the activator can see the credits.
Use spawnflags 1 to fix this.
I found that if you let Kate in asmap10b die, the map won't restart.
After checking the entity setting. This Kate was spawned by squadmaker.
And it uses the wrong keyvalues : TriggerCondition and TriggerTarget.
It should be :
I noticed snark can be collected in this series.
If a player summon a chumtoad near the retina trigger. It will activate the trigger, may cause Kate stuck if Kate is in a far distance.
I suggest use trigger_condition to double check the retina trigger.
Check out my merged version :)
Nice job, will find time to play this
If all is good then might as well update to Version 2.0 and the merged version will become the main version to play this campaign
Nah , don't change this page, because some players may like to experience the original azure sheep without more extra enemy.
My version is heavily ripented so it will lose the feeling of single player experience.
There's some player_loadsaved in many map triggers when player fall into the pit.
It's annoying, turn it off pls.
State which maps have this problem
asmap01, asmap07c
I recently added this map series to my server. I was intrigued by the good rating and the story that it presented. When I finally got around to playing it with a buddy of mine, I was impressed by the huge amount of detail and work that had gone into the starting area. Shortly after starting the map though we ran into an issue, the bedroom door was locked and we could not get out of the room. We had already spent a good deal of time trying to figure out how to escape the room and I did not want to waste any more time so I opened up the map in a BSP viewer and ripented it to figure out the intended way to escape. It turns out the door was locked by a multisource and the multisource was triggered by the vest that was inside of the closet. The problem was that both of us had already picked up the vest and the door still was not open. To fix this, my friend commit suicide and picked up the vest again upon which the door was finally unlocked and we could leave. I'm sure this issue can be easily fixed through a simple ripent but out first impressions of the map were slightly tainted by this annoyance. We proceeded through the map exploring the highly detailed, optional areas until we got where we were supposed to go only to find that we essentially had to sit through an unskippable cutscene that lasted several minutes. Now I know cutscenes can have their place in video games but I for one despise cutscenes that cannot be skipped. As we were going through the next several areas in the map series, a pattern began to emerge: wander through an overly detailed area, find button, door, or func_breakable, kill a few easy enemies, and change level. As beautifully detailed as some of these areas were, they were almost entirely devoid of things for the player to do. For instance, one might take a wrong turn from the intended path, explore several rooms and kill a couple enemies only to find that the way you went was not the correct way and you have completely wasted your time since there was no reward for exploring that area. Another issue I have with this map is there are a ridiculous amount of level changes, so much so that it completely disrupts the flow of the game. I would rather have much longer load times than be constantly disrupted by a loading screen after every five minutes of gameplay. Disruptions are not all that the numerous level changes do, it also partially sabotages the ideal behind having a survival map. In my opinion, survival maps are great for adding a consequence to dying and motivating the player to make smart decisions when playing through a map so as to not die and be put out of the game until the next checkpoint or someone revives you. Azure Sheep, however, does not effectively utilize these survival mode mechanics because there is essentially a level change, and by extension a checkpoint, every five or so minutes completely eliminating the feeling of, "Oh crap, I died. I'm going to have to wait until someone reaches the next checkpoint, which could take quite a while" instead replacing it with, "Oh well, I died. I'll be back in the game in no time so it really doesn't matter". Furthermore, the enemies in these maps need some serious reworking, not because they are too hard but because they are so easy to fight that the gameplay suffers from it. Even with just the two of us playing, there were far too few enemies and they were way too easy to kill for them to contribute to our enjoyment of the map. As a friend of mine put it, "Oh no! There's enemies over here. Oh, I just had to release the w key for a second there". In other words, the enemies act more like little speed bumps than things you actually have to stop and fight. Putting these gripes aside, the architecture is most certainly the strongest aspect of these maps and the custom models and sounds are quite well made. Taking all of the aforementioned points into consideration, some of the only rational explanations for why this map series has such a high rating is because of its aesthetical appeal or the fact that there were only five votes on it during the time I wrote this. As impressive as the aesthetics are, the gameplay is where this series really falls flat.
1.Kate stays at 66%
Just say ok i wait for you
Won't open the door over there
2.After pumping up the water
If reborn by being killed by the enemy
There is a door that cannot be opened
Thanks, I found out the issue was that there was a trigger_once that activates Kate's scripted sequence which if triggered by the player prematurely it causes Kate to get stuck in a loop and not respond to players.
The trigger needed to be set so players cannot trigger it, only monsters, so this time when you bring Kate there she will start walking to the eyescanner and use it as intended. (This whole setup is bad to begin with and should be reworked fully but I don't have time nor patience.)
Problem no. 2 was an oversight on my part, sorry. I've made sure the door is not locked after the water has been drained.
Expect another update soon.
These issues have been fixed in v1.3 (check changelog for other fixes)
I would like many maps merge into one.
Just like 2~3 areas in one map.
I would suggest teleporter in every area's end.
Teleport player to the next area when player enter one area's ending.
If you look at -sp_campaign_portal, it use many teleport to make player feel like they enter a room.
Yes they absolutely ought to be merged but tragicallly it's not possible- we don't have source maps, and the author refuses to provide them. It could be done via decompiles but then we are looking at a task no sane person would be able to finish.
So I estimate the time required to merge maps together is: never.
use the BSPGuy as Test Merge
Will consider this when bspguy has matured a little more and all the bugs and issues have been ironed out.
In the meantime the next update will have a few issues cleared up as well as some QOL improvements. Will attempt to port the tutorial maps as well and include them in the mappack if all goes well.
This map cannot pass
Kate is the enemy
Hi, thanks for pointing this out.
Kate in asmap10b was being spawned via squadmaker and the "Is Player Ally" setting was overlooked, but this has been fixed now. An update will come out shortly with some other tweaks.
This bug has been fixed in version 1.2.
Have someone tested this?
First map cant finish? only say stay on post.
<wrong entry>