Classic Arcade First Person Shooter





Classic Arcade First Person Shooter

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Author BlueFeena
Date of release v1.5 - March 4, 2005
v1.0 - February 25, 2005
.bsp filename classic


Several hours after the UAC base on Mars lost contact with its moon, Phobos, an investigation team was sent to the planet to see what the freagin' problem was. When the team arrived, dead bodies, dead MONSTER bodies, and just general death hung in the air. A squad was sent into Hangar2, but when you and few of your buddies tried to contact them, your radios only picked up the sounds of gunshots, screams, and battle.

Oh well, looks like everyone else is dead.

Now you and the few survivors of the battle that just occurred, have to venture into Hangar2 to see what happened. If some kind of evil force has taken over the Phobos moon base, secure it then. If you can't do that, then your only chance will be to fight your way to the Escape Pod somewhere on the Western side of the base… and warn Earth…

As your small team enters the Hangar, strange noises and animal-like growls can be heard off in the distance. There's no turning back now…

Additional info

  • 4-8 players recommended.
  • Classic is a total conversion, meaning that it is highly customized (npc and weapon models, sounds, textures, etc.). There's also a lot of music included to get the map an authentic Doom feel.
  • More of the background story, gameplay hints, Classic's development process, and lots of other info can be found in the included classic_credits.txt file.
  • G.Ballblue announced development on Classic Arcade First Person Shooter 2, but it seems to have been abandoned.

Additional credits



2005 community-edit music puzzle recreation secrets size:medium total-conversion walkthrough

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