G.Ballblue: I made classic with my own 2 bare hands. Period. There
is a lot of stuff that other people made, so this is a credits file
listing all the credits for everything… ever… Hints are at the
end of this file! If you get stuck somewhere in the map, check there.
I listed what I considered the "toughest" parts of the map in that
General Credits
Map by: G.Ballblue
Music from: DOOM — Hi-Definition versions from DOOM WORLD, and
Doom Depot — http://doomdepot.doom2.net/
Doom World — http://www.doomworld.com/
Models by
One Eyed Newt
Textures by:
The DOOM2 re-texture guys — (no, I'm not going to do specific
names, but I DID NOT make the textures :) )
Well, that was their website, but when I checked, I got "page could
not be displayed." Sorry. I was lazy and didn't book mark the site
Reskins by
Sounds by
id software
G.Ballblue (just a couple :D )
Specific Credits
G.Ballblue ------------------------ Classic Arcade FPS
G.Ballblue ------------------------ Sound Editing
G.Ballblue ------------------------ w_crowbar reskin
G.Ballblue ------------------------ p_crowbar reskin
G.Ballblue ------------------------ v_crowbar reskin
G.Ballblue ------------------------ Two Grunt reskins
G.Ballblue ------------------------ PINKYYY!!!!!!!!!!
G.Ballblue ------------------------ Alien slave reskin (Imp)
G.Ballblue ------------------------ Big Mamma reskin (Spider Demon)
G.Ballblue ------------------------ v_9mmhandgun reskin
G.Ballblue ------------------------ All 3 rocket launcher reskins
G.Ballblue ------------------------ All 3 Shotgun reskins
G.Ballblue ------------------------ v_ to p_ conversion for BFG
G.Ballblue ------------------------ Tau Cannon reskin
G.Ballblue ------------------------ Weapon origin modifying
G.Ballblue ------------------------ Map debugging & tweaking
G.Ballblue ------------------------ .res file
Valve ----------------------------- Shotgun ammo box replacement
One Eyed Newt --------------------- BFG 9000 Gluon Gun Replacement
Ancient! -------------------------- Fists Crowbar Replacement
DOOM2 Retexture Guys -------------- Textures
Doomworld ------------------------- Hi-Def DOOM music
Doom Depot ------------------------ Supplying Hi-Def Music
id software ----------------------- Original music
id software ----------------------- DOOM
id software ----------------------- Sound
Qwerty ---------------------------- Map hosting at HLRSE.net
Frenchy --------------------------- Great tester, great freind
Cozmic Shredder ------------------- Great tester, great freind
LaggedRabbit ---------------------- Saying WTF!! Right here -->
(all in good fun lagged, just jokin' around :D)
Thanks to all the players who enjoyed my map through version 1.0, and was
willing to put up with the lag issue mid way through map.
The machine gun model was created by somebody else, not ME! I did not
center the origin of the weapon because I thought the model looked so
good :D Unfortunately, I cannot give credit to the person who made the
model because he did not include a credits file in the .zip!!!!
Great model man, whoever you are =D
Also, I wanna thank the guy who made the "hellfire alien_slave". Great
models, the both of you!
Special thanks goes to FRAGGARD and FISHY from the Snarkpit! They helped
me with a very important compile issue! Thank you, you two!
Music (in order, as played in the map)
At Doom's Gate
The Imp's Song
Nobody Told Me About id
The Demon's from Adrian's Pen
I Sawed the Demons
Sign of Evil
Hiding the Secrets
Intermission from DOOM
Classic Arcade FPS was made with:
WorldCraft 3.3
ZHLT P Series
Nemesis's Batch Compiler
Nem's HLMV
Milkshape 3D 1.7.3
Creative Recorder
Creative Wave Studio
Notepad =D
All sounds, models, and other files, are property of their respective
creators. Do not duplicate the files used in this map without given
Classic™ is a trademark of G.Ballblue™. This map cannot be duplicated
by anyone else with the exception of the Sven Coop team or mappacks.
(for mappacks). No one else can take credit for the work that was put
into this map, with the exception of the names listed in the credits
file. Names listed in the credits file can take credit for whatever
file they created, and nothing more.
id software™ is a registered trademark of id software™ (duh). DOOM™
is a registered trademark of id software™. 99% of the sounds used
in this map are files created by id software™, and cannot be used
unless credit is given. Monsters, and textures, were
duplicated — original monsters and textures were created by
id software™, used in DOOM™ and DOOM2™.
Hi-Def music is a duplication of the original midi music files,
created by id software™ — used in DOOM™, DOOM2™, and Final DOOM™.
(and whatever wad that uses the music on planet earth :D )
Valve™ is a registered trademark of Valve™ (duh).
And lastly…
Sven Co-op™ is a trademark of the Sven Coop team. They made one of the
best modes on planet Earth, and should be given the respect they
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Morbi commodo, ipsum sed pharetra gravida, orci magna rhoncus neque, id pulvinar odio lorem non turpis. Nullam sit amet enim.
Due to this map use many "unpacking models" (ex: mdl named hgrunt,hgrunt01,hgrunt02,hgrunt03) , and if the NPC model use unpacking models , it will instantly crash the server, to solve this bug:
1.Find the unpacking models "model.mdl","model01.mdl","model02.mdl"~~"model99.mdl" , grab them to a single folder.
2.Open the mdl file with HLMV (Half-life Model Viewer), then decompile it.
3.Open the model.qc with Notepad and find this code and remove it:
$sequencegroupsize 64
then use "auto-save"
4.Compile it with any HL mdl compiler (GUI StudioMDL or HLMV)
5.done , you have a new model.mdl that won't crash your server.
Does anyone have fixed grunt models(animations) for this map, it can make the map unplayable if you have to many in one area glitching up as it can drop you to less than one fps.
EDIT: check download area
This map freezes when I take the first step forward. Am I the only one with this problem?
The music glitched in my nonsteam-half life but not in my steam-half life
I loved the map it would be cool to see duke nukem map into sven coop
Its the best map yet! now do DooM 2!
A great total conversion, shows just what can be done with SvenCoop.
We can just hope the second part gets continued some day…..!