Cybernetic Moon





Cybernetic Moon

Author Keen
Date of release Final - July 24, 2016
.bsp filename cyberneticmoon1g, cyberneticmoon1h


Cybernetic Moon!

So this map/ maps are a experiment in CLASSIFIED TOPSECRET combined with kek and facinating brain insight combined with memes and fun-ness and turrican music bless the turrican loops.

So this map, both maps that ive provided here, may potentially be very laggy, and very buggy, but this is the SCMDB and im going to release as many maps here until i get banned from this place too, so yolo swag yolo grab them and play them with your friends while you can!

Basic differences between them:

cyberneticmoon1g - includes a bit of "darkmoon" project and probly laggier, but does not have green fog.
cyberneticmoon1h - might be less laggy, theres some green fog everywhere, and probly other changes.

* Super Non-Finished but Cucked Map, you may have to suicide if you spawn in an area you cannot escape *

both maps use some model and sound replacement files, in the impromptu res files i generated they do NOT include the downloading of custom sounds because last i checked i put way to many custom sounds in and it overloads the res files (i think the limit is 1,000??) and then it will say missing files. so yeah there will be missing files but that's partially because of me not optimizing the res files with a brain of neurons of myself AND because svencoop breaks after res files reach a certain point. I am hopeful the great Nico and/or Lossy and/or others will be able to fix my said res files, and perhaps reupload a better version than my dropbox version which will have a (Original) tag attached to the name of the download. I live on an island now and my upload is pretty poor so uploading this 7z 120mb took several hours and if its corrupt just leave a message in the comments and ill reupload it in a .zip format lol.

So yeah I have INCLUDED The RMF FILES, expect this as a norm for my other upcomming maps, because unlike other people I am going to try to release as much content and media and SOURCE FILES as possible so (You) The public can fix my broken maps or upgrade them or do what ever you'd like basicly within reason etc yolo

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2016 difficulty:medium fun non-linear nsfw rubbish series size:large weird

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