Dangerous Sector
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Dangerous Sector
Author | Jose Fung |
Date of release | 1.1 - November 23, 2008 |
.bsp filename | sc_dangerous_sector |
In this mission, the Sven Co-op Team's mission is to investigate mysterious events, in the area you may found many enemies.
Additional info
- Recommended Players: 2-8
- This map has no custom models, sounds, sprites etc.
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1.3 / 5 (3 votes)
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There are over 1635 maps for Sven Co-op! Here are a few:
page revision: 18, last edited: 27 Jul 2023 10:30
I remember playing this map long time ago in a server and it was fun. The problem here is that the guy that uploaded this or the one that reuploaded it later forgot to add the .cfg so you dont have the initial weapons or ammo, i dont remember the initial hev amount. I have good memories of this map.
That makes far more sense, it does look like an upload from someone's game download folder.
Nonetheless, there's still no health, virtually no batteries or ammo, and only a couple of weapons when it's way too late for them. Plus there's still the utter nonsense monster HP and the painful "You must wait 4 minutes for the door to open", not forgetting gems such as a 20k HP gonarch in a box room with no ammo, health, armour etc. also the perfectly charming "teleport-into-a-huge-horde-of-massns-death" gag.
So it's still a pan-straddler. It does have potential though, if it was properly balanced.
Box room after box room stuffed full of stupidly high HP monsters and no map cfg, so that you spawn wth only the default pistol plus 17 rounds, a crowbar and zero armour. There's a grand total of TWO hev batteries in the entire map, plus ZERO healthkits. Brilliant. Genius level mapping.
Do not waste your time on it; even if you do impulse 101 it's just a boring horde map of many box rooms concluding in a black-doorway ending. Pointless for any other than complete grind/constant respawn fanatics.
He made some nice maps elsewhere (Source), but this deposit certainly isn't one of them.
overall : dont try to play this unless you ripent some interesting things inside.
there is a 20000 hp bigmomma boss and uneven encounters with ~15 blackops at once. this map requires some serious balance changes to be able to play on a small server, hence why i recommend taking it for ripenting instead of just deploying as it is.
Creeps I start with only pistol and crowbar.
Where's mp5 and shotgun………and there's no ammo box there.
Simple problem is easily solved with some cfg tweaking. The map needs more weapons and it only gives you a pistol with no ammo to fight a 20k hp bigmomma and several assassins that instakill you on teleport.
Edit the cfg and add all the weapons you want from start.
the description doesn't say much.
can you be more clear and post some pix plz
This is a awesome map, but it has some lip problems in its func_doors. I gave it a 4/5.
Did you hit your head or something? Maybe this is sarcasm/troll post…