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Dead Simple Neo 2

Author | Nih |
Date of release | v2 - December 25, 2011 (SC 4.6) v1 - March 13, 2010 (SC 4.5) Beta - August 18, 2009 |
.bsp filename | deadsimpleneo2 |
You wake up in a mysterious room, with no recollection of what brought you here. As you frantically try to comprehend your current situation, your heart pumps your body full of terror. You arrive at a horrifying conclusion: It seems that this is some sort of cruel game that someone has prepared for you.
Choose one of the 4 gamemodes and follow your objective.
Additional info
- 4-8 players recommended
- Won 3rd place in the Sven Co-op Mapping Contest.
Known bugs
- If a new wave starts while a babygarg is flaming, strange things will happen.
- The mode selection system sometimes gets a little glitchy. Appears to depend on server lag.
Additional credits
ID Software - (original dead simple)
Valve & Sven team
Dethtex - (gloom2.wad)
[WTF?]Un_ethical - (sky)
Disparition - (music)
JPolito - (game mode sign texture)
AdamR & Jolene - (test server hosting)
A1win - (editing Tor and Alien grunt models)
G.ballblue, Dynamite, Liberator, Keen, JPolito, BMT, amnizu, OVRKLL, Royal-soldier, the_6th_monkey, Katana, Lurid and Anguish and anyone I may have missed - (map testing)
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4.4 / 5 (8 votes)
Comments & discussion
- Feedback should be constructive.
- For discussion not related to this map, post in the forum.
- If you need help installing maps, please read the installation guide.
Alright, i made a ripent fix and uploaded it as a .zip. I cant delete the .bsp i uploaded. Enjoy playing overload mode again!
Due to changes in the handling of func_pushables, overload mode was no longer beatable. I have reduced the friction of the doom box and given it a HUD title. This change will be in SC 5.26, but I have uploaded the .bsp if you want to play it in 5.25. Be aware that players using the standard 5.25 version will not be able to play with you and will be disconnected from the server.
EDIT: I removed the bsp. I forgot to recompile it for 5.25. Ill do it later.
so, it's mentioned in the description that mode selection CAN be buggy - but current version shiped with 5.20 doesn't work at all - no matter of lag or if dedicated or listen - whenever I try to select any mode I only get killed without any selection
Thanks :)
Ahura: It was most likely building the node graph. It usually takes a few seconds, but on some computers it could possibly take 1-2 minutes. just wait it out.
nice job Nih with your success in the contest! much deserved
3rd place in SC Official Map Contest!
Tried this a few times on my listen server, I get to the MOTD and freeze, no errors nothing. Plain vanila server no plugins, re-install 3 times, still no go.
i was testing this map too ddd, was it just me or it was kinda confusing to play