Destination: Black Mesa
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Destination: Black Mesa
Authors | Legs, Sir-Tuc, Pelot |
Original Mod Release | July 17, 2005 |
Date of release | September 20, 2019 |
.bsp filename | dbm_1 (+17 others) |
During the resonance cascade incident, a group of remaining Black Mesa scientists has been extracted by a secret paramilitary force: Sven Co-op. Their most elite team has been dispatched back into Black Mesa alongside a rescue team to find and extract Dr. Arne Magnusson.
Additional info
This is a heavily ripented and fixed version of the original mod found here:
(If you want to modify this ripent so it is played exactly like the mod, you are free to upload your version as the Original and rename mine as Garompa's edit)
Important notes:
- Some maps require co-operation and need 2 players at least
- Some maps may be hard even with the high amount of weapons given, be sure to get more than 2 players! (difficulty requires more testing)
Known bugs:
- dbm_8: players are able to go out of bounds if a human ladder is made, but does not break gameplay
- dbm_13: a door may sometimes open the opposite way. This is random and seems to be a map bug
Additional credits
- Garompa (conversion)
- Outerbeast (testing)
- incognico (live server testing)
- Scr34mik (bug spotting!)
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Comments & discussion
- Feedback should be constructive.
- For discussion not related to this map, post in the forum.
- If you need help installing maps, please read the installation guide.
There are over 1635 maps for Sven Co-op! Here are a few:
page revision: 89, last edited: 30 May 2024 21:13
What the song on magnusson.ogg in Garompa's Version?
I need the song name
my bad for not adding the song name and author. I must've downloaded the song a loooong time ago and kept it in my assets. Now its impossible to find. If someone finds it I'll give proper credits.
On dbm_3, if you die while descending in the elevator, the button doesn't bring the elevator back up after you respawn, so you can't progress.
The elevator will never come back up, it breaks and gets destroyed.
Its big brain time, you have to use the barnacle grapple with another person to repel down to the vent!
You don't have that option if you have no friends.
Adam Reece.
Alright, I added v3d. Changed the grapple to a gauss, now you can use that to jump to the elevator ladder.
This map has too many sudden death like I just press button and I suddenly got smash by a door?!
WTF is this?
I don't recall there being instakill buttons and doors everywhere as people here claim. If in sven coop any door has damage it is for a reason, being because it is prone to getting stuck, and it instakills because of a reason as well, being because xpmodders may have a bazillion health and to damage them we rather kill them and we need humongous instakill damage, so the door doesn't get stuck with a troll.
But iirc the only instakill button before a door is where a truck crashes on it of course, right after you push the button, the truck can be heard and it gives you a couple of seconds to move away though.
My friend says "I had fun" and I also had fun so obviously that means you'll have at least a 98% chance of enjoying it. The changes to make the story make sense with Sven Co-op was super cool. It was exciting getting reinforcements here and there and fighting super bosses. The only boss that was kinda weird and annoying was the tunnel snakes. But other than that, we had a blast all the way thru. Also unless you're extremely careful, you'll die a lot. Live and learn. As long as you try to enjoy yourself during it, the deaths shouldn't bother you. They sure didn't for me and my friend, and we were on the hardest difficulty. We just found the few instant death traps comical.
there are no res files
il n'y a pas de fichiers res
thank you
They have all been added
The best suggestion for all all files and file references is that you name everything in lower-case, that way there is no confusion.
This mappack has some nice visuals, and a good amount of work has obviously gone into converting it for co-op.
However, that's about where the positives end for me.
As BlueSpark mentions, there are a LOT of unfair instant deaths throughout the series. Nearly every room has something like this! Because of this, if you plan to play the map pack as co-op rather than with everyone just racing to the end, you'll be spending quite some time just waiting around for people to run back from the start.
Many of the spaces you'll be fighting in are pretty cramped, so you'll be struggling to shoot past other players. This probably owes to the fact that Destination: Black Mesa was a singleplayer mod. Still, it doesn't make for great co-op.
Even though it looks nice, a lot of map geometry was poorly thought-out, gameplay-wise. There are a LOT of places you can accidentally slip into and get wedged into, permanently stuck until you suicide.
Nice enough concept overall, which puts you in some of HL1's same areas with different objectives, but not very fun in the end. I think Lolako's HL: Comando pulled off this idea better.
Way too "u hav bin trolled by teh mapper". Not enjoyable.
Added several hotfixes since the first release. Hopefully everything runs smoothly now.
Fixed a final troll by the mapper, now the third map can be progressed if someone fails to make the jump on the elevator. Enjoy!