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Author | Tok |
Date of release | Final - 05 October, 2003 |
.bsp filename | deur |
This is the Beta version of: Deur /made by ToK
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There are over 1638 maps for Sven Co-op! Here are a few:
page revision: 18, last edited: 10 Dec 2024 05:00
Deur is a decent walkthrough map in my opinion - the hallway firefight with the grunts is tough and gives you JUST enough cover to work with (though I would have appreciated fewer grenade-throwers). Ending sewer section is decent, too.
There's one part that's not too well-designed. If you've played this map, you probably know which one I'm talking about. It's a section that takes a long time to get through, as you will die a LOT unless you have XP mod or something (but, obviously, XP mod totally breaks any combat encounter possible in Sven). This is a section that does NOT get easier if you have more people, because everyone's funneled through a small vent, and a large number of shocktroopers are constantly lobbing booger grenades into the vent.
All in all, for the point in Sven's history this came out, it's one of my favorites.
Broken? It's hard to tell.. Even if it is working (and I think it's broken) the essence is that you do a whole load of work, for nothing - the escape rocket leaves without you.
It's not worth the d/l to find out.
Absolutely terrible. There is nothing positive about this map. Avoid!