Escape (by Mutant)





Escape (by Mutant)

Author ShutDa_Mutant
Date of release 1.0 - December 24, 2000
.bsp filename escape


This CURRENT map is also available in the SC Optional Map Pack 1

Your first day on the job, couldn't have been worst. You took a new job as a security guard, which couldn't have been more appropriate for the work your about to take. You took the job at a small research facility experimenting with teleportals. They had successfully built three teleportals, which would help you transport about the base. These new technologys soon became very successful, and it wasn't long until greedy independant companys were after the technology, or strange creatures from outer space were after it… It seems however, the technology was more powerful than the alien teleportation technology, because the aliens already had teleportation technology… Or was it teleportational technology they were after?…
Nevertheless, when the base goes under attack, you know you must shutdown all systems in the base, or else these buissnesses and/or aliens will get their hands on the techhnology. You know how to shut everything down; there is a room under the base, which houses five buttons, one of which =====will shutdown the systems, and the other four will activate certain 'traps.' You also remember one being a light switch. Hmmn. It's time to go to work…

Additional info

Title : Escape
Filename : escape.7z
Game : Sven Co-op Half-Life
Author : ShutDa_Mutant
Email Adress : [email]
ICQ Number : 87200883
Description : Short, walk-through type map.
Singleplayer : Yes, but you might find it a bit hard…
Cooperative : *Sarcastic* No.
Difficulty Settings : Yeh, i suggest 2.
New Sounds : Nope.
New Graphics : Nah.
New Sky : No.
Previous Maps : None! So be nice…

Filesize : ESCAPE.BSP: 1,688kb
ESCAPE.7z: 436kb

Additional Notes: : I wore a hat while making this.


Base : New level from scratch.
Prefabs : Yeh, some new.
Editor Used : Worldcraft 3.3
Build Time : About 2 weeks in total.
Compile Machine : P450 with 128mb Ram.
Compile Time : About, 1hr 30mins.

  • Installation *

Unzip all files in escape.7z to your Half-life folder with directory unzipping on, so the files will go in the right place.


-escape.bsp, escape.cfg, & escape.txt should be unzipped to your Sven Coop maps folder.

-escape.nod & escape.nrp should be unzipped to the graphs folder under your svencoop maps folder.

  • Tips *

- This may not seem a tip, but i is, just to show there are secrets in my map The weapons you can get in escape are: The Crowbar, Pistol, Uzi, Shotgun, MP5, Guass Gun, Snarks. Plus you can get the long jump module (but you'll need two players for that)

- If you want to open the door to the teleporters near the respawn you need to 'touch' the fence at the end of the outside area (next to the garage)

-In the room with the buttons, one of them will end the game. For some reason, some people didn't think of that, and gave up after pressing the first button… hmmmn….

Additional credits

  • Thanks * (In no particular order)

Sniper - For being a great guy, and helping me out.
Burnout 64 - For testing it.
Sven Viking - For putting this on the svenco-op site.
Barry A. Bollinger - For the army truck prefab.
Gorvachov - For his subway train prefab.
Revolver - For his PC prefab.
Those wonderful people - For creating Worldcraft
Valve - For creating Halflife
Charles Babbage - For inventing computers (no, really.)
Ada Lovelace - For creating programming languages.
God (if he exists) - For creating the Universe.
Yahveh (if he exists) - For creating the Universe.
Allah (if he exists) - For creating the Universe. (It pays to hedge your bets).
Satan (if he exists) - For being a cool dude man.
Father Christmas - For existing and giving me presents. Including Halflife.
Adolf Hitler - For doing a clever thing in shooting himself.




2000 escape size:medium walkthrough

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