





Author Kampy
Date of release Final - July 21, 2002
.bsp filename sc_evermore


(this map and description is older than svencoop v.2) When I started this map it was supposed to be a Half-Life singleplayer map. When I was almost done with it I found Svencoop - a great cooperative mod for HL so I completed it for SC. Basically it's almost the same map as Evermore for Half-Life DM. You start outside at the gate where there was this button which showed the "Created by Kampy" message. You start with the Colt and try to make your way through the labs. You cant go through the fence, because its closed and a barney is watching it. I could say more about the map, but then it wouldnt be so much fun to find it out yourself. Goal is to find the gauss (taucannon) and destroy the released big monster. main points of the map: - based on Evermore (DM map) - see Evermore (HLDM) review for details - 2-4 players recommended - not too easy, but perhaps a little short for a svencoop map - some cool sequences - alien & human enemies hints: - get the bazooka with teamplay: jump on the back of a teammate and climb the crates in front of the lab - You can get the Glueon gun from Barney when the big monster is released - shooting the fence guard wont help you


Additional info

Sven Coop Evermore

Filename : sc_evermore (bsp/cfg)
Mapper : Kampy
Mappers Page : www.kampys-stuff.de
Convertion Time : 5 days
Beta Testings : 3.6
Original Map : Evermore (HLDM) by Kampy
Players recommended : 3
difficulty : hard
size : medium
Enemy Type : alien, human
weapons left out : uzi, beegun


1) Climb on a teammates back to get the RPG
which is placed on the crates at the
starting point.
2) Keep the scientist alive - he can heal you
completely when youre heavily wounded.
3) collect the gauss (taucannon) when youre
in the peachy room.

you may not do this without my permission:

- decompile and change this map
- sell it in any way

visit www.kampys-stuff.de for more maps (HL+CS)

If you have any comments on my map(s) contact me!
my icq : 82273535
my email : ed.xmg|02ypmaK#ed.xmg|02ypmaK
or write in my guestbook on my page!

Now have fun! :)

Additional credits





2002 boss difficulty:medium size:medium walkthrough

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