Fallback: Fire





Fallback: Fire

Author Peter Lok
Conversion author Garompa
Date of release Final - November 27, 2012
Date of conversion v1 - August 26, 2023
.bsp filename fallback_fire1, fallback_fire2


You are now tasked to supply additional security at Monte del Oscuro (an astronomical research facility, branch of Black Mesa). Things never work smoothly as usual. Portal activity to Xen has been established and must be shut down. Find a way to lead your men to victory. A nearby town is where the most activity has been detected. Your mission is to clean up the mess and a chopper will be waiting for you to drop you off at the town to finish the job.

Additional info

This is a conversion of the Fire part of the Opposing Force mod called "Fallback: Fire & Ice" found on moddb and RTSL. 6 Maps have been merged to 2.

Additional credits

Known bugs

  • the first map needs a trigger_changesky. Whenever that is fixed in the game, I will replace the fog in the start area with that.
  • The water tunnel seamless teleport in the second map does not look that seamless. This is not my doing, the mapper made the tunnel larger in one of the maps… so there is no fix. But it is just a visual uglyness.



2012 2023 conversion difficulty:easy merged size:medium walkthrough

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