Field Intensity





Field Intensity

Author Hazard Team
Date of release 22 February, 2022
Date of conversion 22 February, 2024
.bsp filename fi_lobby, fi_c0*


The port of the Field Intensity campaign for Sven Co-op. Necessary adjustments to the maps were applied to make the campaign playable in co-op.

Additional info

The campaign utilizes the lobby map - fi_lobby - where players can vote for the chapter to play.
To add the campaign to the server map rotation just add fi_lobby to your maplist.

Note that this campaign is designed to be played in small teams. The best number of players is 2-4.
Sometimes a bit more enemies can spawn depending on the number of players.

This campaign has survival mode enabled by default. Players won't respawn automatically when they die. Most of the maps have at least one checkpoint. Touch the checkpoint to revive the dead players or to let spawn those who are late to the party.
Also in survival mode items and ammo won't respawn. Health and suit chargers won't recharge once they're depleted. So make sure to leave some resources for your teammates.

Known Issues

  • HUD sprites of custom weapons might render incorrect after the level transition. This is the problem with Sven Co-op we couldn't fix. The weapon is still selectable, so it's not a critical issue.
  • Some scripted sentences of human grunts might be interrupted by them calling for a medic. Again, this is a Sven Co-op bug.
  • We tried to make important npcs (i.e. the ones required to open some doors) automatically go to the designated places when the path is clear of enemies, in order to minimize the necessary interaction. We haven't encountered the critical issues with this in the final testings, but there's still a technical possibility for the npc to fail to build a path to the waypoint. In that case they won't be able to move. If this happens you can call (use) the npc you and then use Return to me and Move to position keybinds to lead him to the door he's supposed to open.

Additional credits




2024 conversion needs-pics series survival traps walkthrough

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