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Author | GForce |
Date of release | July 6, 2009 |
.bsp filename | sc_gameover |
It seems it has not story in background. This is yet another map where you have to kill everything you see.
The map is splitted into 4 levels.
Level 1: You have to defeat a horde of Alien Slaves. Then activate a bomb to open a wall where a Gonarch appears.
Level 2: Make your way into sewers to reach a lab where a Experimental Gonome is held.
Level 3: Little puzzle, when completed you have to kill all enemies in the lab.
Final Level: Fight againts an Horde of Heavy Weapons Grunts.
Additional info
- The NPCs have over-exaggerated health.
- FPS count may drop in some parts. (I.E: Alien Slave horde)
- It seems the final part of the map is completed, you have to change the map manually.
- Since it's made for Sven Co-op 3, it works for SC4 as well.
- This map is ideal for EXP servers.
Additional credits
Community edits:
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3 / 5 (1 votes)
Comments & discussion
- Feedback should be constructive.
- For discussion not related to this map, post in the forum.
- If you need help installing maps, please read the installation guide.
page revision: 29, last edited: 25 Dec 2024 22:09
"This map is ideal for EXP servers." Ok…pressing back button
I used ripent on this map to try and fix the end trigger of the map…and apparently there is a model sumwhere in the map you have to touch that should trigger a changelevel to a map called "Sick" but yea…no it dont work apparently…
Ontop of that I noticed that they definitely did spanish everything…
I mean I could fix the map so that all the end heavy weapons guys set off a game_counter that would then trigger a game_end…but meh…
If you would like me to fix the map to have a proper ending…let me know…and I will attempt to fix it…
me equivoque disculpen pero era NORTEAMERICANOS!!!!!
:D Thanks!
Deberias moderar un poco tu lenguaje.
Acerca de tu mapa… Trata de fixear las partes donde bajan FPS, y bajarle un poco mas la vida a los NPCs.
Chupenme la pija todos americanos cara rota. :D
Happy now?
USE SC4!!!
Why the fuck you still playing SC3 man!!?
Well I HATE horde maps so i rate it in 2/5
Are you serious?
You can't rate 2 because you don't like the map type, be objective.
This map, is a joke, feel free to play it when drinking.
When you enter to the first level… ok, it seems ok. But What the Fuck… Does people STILL use ISlaves for his hordes? I mean… What the fuck… Also my FPS Count highly dropped in this part of the map.
Part 2 and 3 are fairly good, just some screwed ups in solid transparencies.
The final part… WHAT THE FUCK… Over 100 Heavy Weapons Grunts with 2500 each one… I think the mapper was drunk when he designed the map. Also a high fps drop in this part of the map.
Also the map is in spanish, do not everyone may understand what's going on. (Not my case… but…)
I'll give it a 3/5 since you need SCXPM and high levels on it to complete this map without cheats.
What is this map about? Description please.
Adam Reece.
Ok, I played the map and filled this article with objetive info.