Half-Life Lobby





Half-Life Lobby

Author AlexCorruptor
Date of release 27 July, 2019
Last update v1.5 -9 April, 2021
.bsp filename hl_lobby, hl_mapvote


A simple mapvote lobby for the original Half-Life campaigns. Ideal for listen servers or private games.

Select one of five original Half-Life campaigns to vote:

  • Half-Life
  • Blue Shift
  • Opposing Force
  • Decay (requires to be installed)
  • Uplink

Stand in the areas in front of the posters to vote for the campaign. Voting times are 15 seconds.
The vote will fail if the map is not installed and the map will restart.


A fancy mapvote lobby for the original Half-Life campaigns and some mods. Ideal for listen servers or private games.

Select one of 4 sets of platforms with 6 sub-platforms to vote:
Cyan platform:

Yellow platform (addon campaigns than need to be installed):

Red platform (addon campaigns than need to be installed):

Rose platform:

Stand in the platforms below the posters to vote for the campaign. Voting times are 15 seconds.
Access to different platforms is provided via the teleport (green area)
The vote will fail if the map is not installed and the map will restart.

Additional info

This map is based on the original choose_campaign lobby maps by CubeMath which have now been replaced with the new Dynamic Mapvote lobby.
This Half-Life lobby has been created for ease-of-use: it requires no setup and enables players to quickly invite their friends to their private games.
Server owners may use this too, but strongly recommend using Dynamic Mapvote and customizing their slots as they need.

Additional credits

CubeMath - Map voting logic
Puchi - Custom switch entity
Outerbeast - Feedback and ideas, testing



2019 fun lobby music size:small votemap

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