Made by CiviliaN_SoldieR
[9mmAR]Ultimate mp7 look-alike
Original weapon body model:
-Model - Fiblah
-Skin - Galen
-Animations - TS Team
Arms textures- Ambient Impact
Sounds- CS realism (I chose the ones that sounded the closest to the HL2 sounds)
Hack- Coolfat3459
Polycount- 3670
[Shotgun]Ultimate HL2 shotgun look-alike
Original shotgun body model:
-Shotgun body- Dark Hunter
-Skin- N|rvy
Animations- The Specialists/shotgun model from mg386
Arm skin- Ambient Impact
Hand skin- The Specialists/ CS:CZ
-Reload and pump- OneManArmy's sound pack
-Shooting- me(edited the default shooting sounds to sound more like HL2)
Hack- Coolfat3459
Polycount- 3326 (sorry, but thats as low as I could get it)
[Crowbar]Ultimate HL2 crowbar look-alike
Original body model- Doomed Like (a HALF LIFE 1, 1 ,1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, ONE, ONE, ONE, mod)
Arms- Ambient Impact
Crowbar Textures- High def crowbar
Animations- Half Life
Sounds- CS realism
Hack- Coolfat3459
Polycount- 1512
Tweaked Robogrunt
Tuesday's Avenger
Scientist Massns:
Tuesday's Avenger
Alyx and Combinegrunt, and combine Models:
The Snow Wars team didn't credit anyone with the model so I assume they made it.
So thanks to them for the model (?)
Thanks to PanzerOx for his nice tutorials on converting stuff into other, leeter, stuff.
Thanks to Ambient Impact for HIS nice tutorials on making that leet stuff work (teh parent bone stuff!)
I (Stonehead) converted the guy into a barney :D
Pheonix sent me the USP but I have no idea who originally made it. If it's yours email me.
no idea who made the original model.
The Snow Wars team didn't credit anyone with the model so I assume they made it.
So thanks to them for the model (?)
Thanks to PanzerOx for his nice tutorials on converting stuff into various thingies and wossnames
Valve for the original Glock
I (Stonehead) converted the guy into an alyx :D
my first model conversion :D
A combine, as an hgrunt, great if you want to play some hl2 coop, er sort of. without hl2.
no idea who made the original model.
The Snow Wars team didn't credit anyone with the model so I assume they made it.
So thanks to them for the model (?)
Thanks to PanzerOx for his nice tutorials on conversion
And me (StoneHead) for doing it :D
GL Productions Custom Reskins.
The HL 2-esque headcrab.
Headcrab model by Gearbox, and altered by somebody… I don't know who, someone please help me out here?
Half-Life 2 type reskin by me, Gaming Lord. Entirely done in photoshop, and not an illegal hack of the headcrab in the HL 2 leak. ^_^
The Bullsquid is valves, just a reskin to make it red.
The 2 gonome models are from Gearbox, Sven team, Valve, and etc. They came with sven, so I'm sure their ok to use.
op4 deagle converted to 357
gearbox for model,sounds,anims
you may change the hands if you like.or something like that
Converted by: Paran0id
FN M249 SAW:
Made by Gearbox or Valve
Converted by I guess by Seraph or the Sven team. The model came with sven coop 3.0.
Spore launcher for SC Barnacle Grapple credits:
Spore Launcher model&anims: Gearbox
Sounds: Gearbox
Hands model: Ambient.Impact
Tonguetip model: Ambient.Impact
HEV arms enchnced texture: Water-Phoenix
Soldier arms enchanced texture: Paran0id
Conversion, skin edits: Tony_Freeman
Combine player model:
Combine by SnowWar team
convert to svenco-op Nightwolf63
Shock Weapon:
Made by Gearbox or Valve
Everything in the map relating to hl1 and opposing force is Valves, Gearboxes, Sven team, others and etc.
Special thanks to the Sven Team, Valve, Gearbox, and everyone who made this map possible.
If you see a model or something in there that I mistakenly didn't credit, just pm me at the sven forums and if I get
the pm I'll put you in the credits or if you don't want it in there I'll guess I can delete it out.
Everything included in this map series is for Non-Commercial Use Only! If you use anything from this map
series you better give proper credit or get permission. If you don't know what non-commercial use Only means, look
it up! If you don't agree with this, delete this file and op4two zip and everything that came with it from your pc!
This map series is a unofficial map series based and inspired on Gearbox's and Valve's Opposing Force game for Sven Coop.
Everything is as is, no warrenty what so ever. Don't agree? Don't play and delete it.
Read the title
No man left behind, unless hes too injured to bother helping…