Resident Evil: Covert Operations
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Resident Evil: Covert Operations
Author | mrfranswa |
Date of release | Final - November 7, 2004 |
.bsp filename | reco |
Resident Evil: Covert Operations (RE:CO or RECO), is an indirect follow-up to Resident Evil: The Awakening. Expect even more spine-chilling zombie-whacking action, story-centric gameplay, and creative use of monster-replacement. Plenty of in-game cut-scenes, too.
You are members of HCF's elite retrieval squadron. Your mission? To break into rival corporations, steal their research, and eliminate any witnesses.
A more detailed background story is displayed at the start of the map.
Additional info
- quakis has written a detailed walkthrough and review of RECO.
- This is a total conversion, meaning pretty much everything (weapons, npcs, textures, sounds) is fully customized for an authentic RE experience—the map even comes with 26 custom RE player models to choose from!
- RECO was the most downloaded map at Sven Co-op Central before the site closed, totaling 87,000+ downloads as of September 2011.
- Preceded by Resident Evil: The Awakening.
- Also available in the Resident Evil Map Pack.
Additional credits
Werewolf - (models, model textures)
Known bugs
- Connecting to dedicated server running this map causes client to hang at "Processing maps/soundcache/reco.txt" (could be an isolated issue. Unfixable)
- archvile may freeze when hes "escorting" you to escape door. Kill him in the same room where he spawns or run away to lobby as soon as gates go off, this will cause him to navigate to lobby without problems (unfixable due to game's AI)
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3.5 / 5 (11 votes)
Comments & discussion
- Feedback should be constructive.
- For discussion not related to this map, post in the forum.
- If you need help installing maps, please read the installation guide.
There are over 1638 maps for Sven Co-op! Here are a few:
page revision: 115, last edited: 26 Aug 2024 23:30
Please, release the .rmf files
ripent map
Resguy Log (6 missing files)
I remade the res file for this map and tested it on my game server & fastDL. Both are running on Linux and all the content downloads properly for me, including SUPPLIEZ!.wav and ZOMBIE ATTACK!.wav.
Let me know if there are any issues.
what is fixed :
- sound filenames :
rename "sound\REvil\ZOMBIE ATTACK!.wav" to "zombie_attack.wav"
rename "sound\REvil\SUPPLIEZ!.wav" to "suppliez.wav"
rename "sound\REvil\lookout!.wav" to "lookout.wav"
- scientist getting stuck on balcony at acid/toxic pool
- various items not present on the map (including golden shield)
- added ammo_spore on ceiling of pre-sewer area to be able to climb down the pit (for singleplayer, read below)
what WAS NOT fixed :
- Connecting to dedicated server running this map causes client to hang at "Processing maps/soundcache/reco.txt"
ive laready tried to replace all sounds on map with "ambience\hawk1.wav" but it didnt help. I think only sven coop developers can explain/address this issue.
- zombies hitting you through doors and blocking your movement in doorways
- doors opening in wrong direction
- archvile may freeze when hes "escorting" you to escape door.. the solution is this, kill him in the same room where he spawns (if u can) or run away to lobby as soon as gates go off, this will cause him to navigate to lobby without problems (well, at least for me)..
Overall, this map would really benefit from 2018 remake. It would also be good if someone can shed some light regarding dedicated server issue with this map.
Ill mention this in the BTS so that we can try and track the issue down.
The sound system is snipers baby and he might be aware of the problem all ready.
about the dedicated server bug: if you are going to rename files then you need to add a copy of the renamed files to your pack so people can upload them to their dedicated server and fast-dl. I think you are stuck at "Processing maps/soundcache/reco.txt" trying to download "zombie_attack.wav" (which is a big file and probably does not exist in your fast-dl).
as it turns out. it was because of 0 kilobyte map's motd file.
maybe must delet old files.
ZOMBIE_ATTACK!.wav cant load in fastDL
pls fix
In SC4.8 now, the square stone carving/statue that must be pushed up the wooden wedge onto a low plinth now gets stuck *in* the wedge and won't make it up onto the plinth, totally breaking the map.
It can be lifted onto the plinth with EntMod but otherwise it completely kills the map. Seen it on two different dedicated SC4.8 servers.
Also as pointed out in the walkthrough, the two "small goddess statues" (headcrabs) don't always trigger properly when 'placed', also breaking the map.
It may work properly in SC5, idk about that.
*Update 18/12/2016"*
I'm completing a mammoth ripent to fix all the problems encountered so far, plus a new small variation on the ending (as I can change only entities without the sources, and I have received no response from MrFranswa to date).
I will point out though that SCXPM totally breaks this map - the whole premise of the map is to discover and carefully manage your weapon and ammo resources; since SCXPM merrily dishes out free ammo every few seconds, half the map is destroyed and it just becomes an object-hunt for the items. Also SCXPM makes the combat ridiculously easy, so no strategy is required. This makes it great for noobs but ultimately unsatisfying. I'm building SCXPM difficulty balancing into my ripent currently, but really it's much better if you just play the map as intended on a vanilla non-xpm server.
did you ever finish the ripent?
Yes I did, all the previous bugs are fixed, tons of cleanup, coop/survival style ending, extra thingy to help defeat Archvile, some added env_sounds, a few airtanks in the drowning section, a way to kill the huge red gorger Ichy (that eats everyone).. and a dynamic variable skill system that sc5 made totally redundant. I asked the devs about the current sc5 skill system, but they either didn't know or didn't want to answer so it's needing some balancing still. Oh and it plays nicely with no xpm, the difficulty increases dramatically with xpm (otherwise it's stupidly easy). The ending is polished up a bit, as well. Remember it's just a ripent, no world-item or lighting changes, just entities. Entity count more than doubled from orig. map.
I'll get around to finishing it off (busy with work currently) then I'll post it as an alternate d/l.
I cannot wait until your fix is released. Thanks for taking the time and fixing RECO!
Discord: @lossy
nice work. I remember something like that was made for RE: awakening, but I've not found the file. So far I remember it had a crashed stars chopper instead of an osprey (which makes more sense). It was a ripent by "Bmoore". If someone finds it, please share.
Did this update ever happen? The wedge is still ….. wedged :(
There are bug with gold emblem and identificator in sven coop 4.8 so please repair it. Bug - there aren't everywhere golden emblem I searching , and doing map with walkthrought and also in webs I search no only me have this bug, so waiting for fix :) Also I love this map ^^
I'm guessing that those resources weren't cached for some reason (bad RES edit?) as I've seen a similar thing on a public server where various items were missing from the map (pile of bodies, red ammo chest, stickygib for the wedge) which were all visible on my dedicated server when I installed the map correctly. <—- WRONG
*new info*
R4to0 pointed out an issue identified by Kalo where the bounding boxes for these items clashed with the wall geometry causing them to sink to the bottom of the map. R4to0 said that he applied the necessary fixes and updated the map link above.
I don't know if its just me and my brother, but we both on our machines have not working music!
As press the start button there should be a intro music, but we just hear crickets all the time, the whole map long.
I tried several things, but I came to the conclusion that this map's audio is broken in SC4.5.
Hope dies last, anyone there who has a working music?