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Author | Wolf-3D |
Date of release | August 29, 2013 |
.bsp filename | sc_retrieval, sc_retrieval1, sc_retrieval2 |
Puzzle/Objective based game play with 6 levels of difficulty and map layout.
Please NOTE: All Maps are in Development, MAP 1 is 99% Complete, MAPS 2, 3 & 4 at approx 50-60%.
Levels 1 to 5 are Training Missions. Level 6 is the real "Mission".
Each Level Varies based on Player Equipment, Enemy Type, Strength & Quantity, Methods for Completing of Mission Objectives change slightly per Training Level. Lose Points are in effect (Example: Primary Orders are "Destroy SAM Site & Secure the LZ", Proceeding into the Main Complex, will result in a Court Marshal, if this is not been accomplished.)
Statistics, Success/Failure & Secrets Found are transferred across maps.
1 - Training exercise: Max Health = 450, Max Armor = 250, Learn Map Layout, Complete Mission Orders, Look for Secrets.
2 - Training exercise: Max Health = 255, Max Armor = 175, Note small changes to Messages & Item HUD's. Different Enemies.
3 - Training exercise: Max Health = 103, Max Armor = 120, Slight variance in Training Routine. Different Enemies.
4 - Training exercise: Max Health = 100, Max Armor = 100, Loose points start having an Impact.
5 - Training exercise: Max Health = 100, Max Armor = 100, Avoid Friendly Fire, you can now Kill Friendly Troops.
6 - Mission : Expect things to go wrong from the Start & Plans to Change as a Result. Avoid Friendly Fire as Friendly Troops can now also kill you. Try to Revive Dead Team Mates.
Additional info can be Found Here
Known Bugs:
MAP 1:
- LvL6 - Rappelling Engineer gets stuck in Vent (Temp Solution:Shoot him, if he is Blocking you.)
- Possible mis-counting for NPC's lead to "Map2 change level area".
- Possible that LvL 6 "Coma routine" will "Think" you are cheating and Gib you rather than returning player to map.
- Pod allocation iffy - Cryostasis Pod 21 know to Gib Players.
Maps 2 and 4 are NOT in included in the Zip/Archive as both are unstable at the Moment.
- Complete Map to map data & stats transfer routine.
MAP 2, 3 & 4 - Removed from zip, while "map to map" stats transfer is installed.
Additional credits
see sc_retrieval_credits.txt
see sc_retrieval_sysop.txt
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2.5 / 5 (2 votes)
Comments & discussion
- Feedback should be constructive.
- For discussion not related to this map, post in the forum.
- If you need help installing maps, please read the installation guide.
The first map called sv_retrieval does not work. You come out of the cryopod, hit a button, hit another button and a portal shows up. Then a cutscene plays for 15 seconds and then the map transitions to a random map.
The map listed on here as sc_retrieval1 does not exist. The map is called sc_retrieval2. I am still trying to wrap my head around if its even possible to finish. You start out on a city street walk around aimlessly. Your weapons are all model replaced to a model that says "Not Precached" for some wild reason. Theres an alley filled with zombies that leads to absolutely nowhere. there is an inaccessible bar and an inaccessible club guarded by two npcs. You can find a keycard to open the door to an apartment complex but you don't even need it because you can just jump through the glass.
The upstairs of the apartment has no floor and you will fall into an inescapable pit. There is a random button on the wall with some assassin npcs that aren't hostile. The button doesn't seem to do anything. They did add a car that you can start up and it will go around in circles.
Hopefullly someone fixes this.
The portal in the spawn room of the first map doesn't work. :(
Surprised this hasn't been fixed yet