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Author | w00tguy123 |
Date of release | June 6, 2018 |
.bsp filename | rust_mini, rust_islands, rust_legacy |
A clone of Rust. Build bases, play guitar, and fight aliens (or players).
This is loosely based on Rust builds from summer 2016.
Additional info
When the map first starts, it'll take a few minutes for the node graph to generate (it's huge).
Latest scripts available here:
Additional credits
- Syringe from Cry of Fear
- Model & animations: Sporkeh
- Sven Hands Rig, Remappable Hands, Compile: D.N.I.O. 071
- Most textures and sounds from Rust
- Some textures from Zelda OOT (skybox, water, ladder)
- Fuel can from afrikakorps
- Parachute model from the Amx Parachute plugin.
- Blue barrel from doomfest(?)
- Most other models are royalty free stuff from random sites. You can probably guess which ones I made/animated….
- Rust Lobby votemap by AlexCorruptor
- Some screenshots from Neo, De Pleur, and Necra
- Spanish translation by Cadaver
- Turkish translation by Lt.
- Megalovania guitar song by SV BOY
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4.4 / 5 (16 votes)
Comments & discussion
- Feedback should be constructive.
- For discussion not related to this map, post in the forum.
- If you need help installing maps, please read the installation guide.
There are over 1635 maps for Sven Co-op! Here are a few:
page revision: 293, last edited: 04 Jan 2023 18:54
Is building ever allowed again?
Seems pretty silly that you can't even place a sleeping bag or chest because of this. Not being able to place a chest just severely limits resource holdings too.
8 minutes is nothing.
Adam Reece.
Ah looks like some of the wave monsters were getting stuck at the bottom of the cliffs in the water. After looking for and killing all of them building could resume.
Adam Reece.
The minimap will show you where those last few monsters are (toggled in the action menu).
A small thing was broken by the 5.24 update on 2020-01-24, fusing objects together no longer works. Build points are returned but the objects are no longer fused together.
The following error occurs in server console:
Not allowed: in section 'l:sv10/svencoop/scripts/maps/rust/', at (1445, 4): Function Fuse:
Message: Null pointer access
ERROR: CASBaseCallable::Call: Execution of function '::TertiaryAttack' failed!
29 Jan 2021: updated again to stop creative mode being started automatically.
I know development on this has ceased, just want to give some heads up on a few bugs to anyone downloading this post 2020-12-23 (after 5.23 was released):
*Monsters have ever increasing armour when they spawn
*Water and building hologram textures jitter when the player moves causing a flickering distortion
*Holiday presents are spammed in certain areas of maps, their textures are upscaled for some reason
*Certain sounds like breaking or building now play incorrect and unrelated sounds
lol the presents… I'm still willing to fix bugs that come up after game updates. Some of this looks like bugs in the game and not the map though. Anyway, thanks for the heads up.
Updated the map for 5.23. However, some of the things listed here are game bugs and not map bugs.
This is caused by the xmas event. The game must think the weapon_custom_* entities are weapons and so gives them present models. Type "ev_disable xmas" in console and restart the map to fix.
The soundcache on your client or the server needs to be regenerated to fix this. The map sounds fine to me. Delete everything in "maps/soundcache" and change levels to fix.
Thanks for the fixes, I appreciate it.
You broke something else with your Rust update for 5.23, the .load command causes the server to shut down because loads a non-existent barrel.mdl instead of tr_barrel.mdl that was present in earlier versions of the script.
Typo? :)
Yep, fixed now :>
Hi. Can i change the "behaviour" of the map like resources grow delay (like trees or rocks) and other things like helicopter spawn?
Node spawn delay is here:
Apache spawn delays are here:
The variables in that "Game Settings" section are mostly safe to customize. Just don't increase SOLIDS_PER_ZONE_SAFE or these limits.
Oh thanks man
Added Turkish translation (thanks to Lt.) and fixed a couple of untranslated menu titles.
hey i have this error i can go in any mode you can help me?
i want to play with some friends
Install the map from this page and it should work. If you downloaded the map from a server then you'll be missing some required files.
hey i have this error i can go in any mode you can help me?
I don't want to work on these maps anymore, but anyone else is welcome to. Most of the remaining bugs are in the scripts anyway.
Concerning build zones, I would like to permit building in the Outskirts. Changing g_build_anywhere worked at first but at the cost of nullifying build_points and in the end invisible solids started showing up once they were maxed out. Is it possible to edit allowing building in the Outskirts zone through the scripts without modifying the map.bsp?
I ask because rust_mini_b9 has an immense amount of empty space out on the water. Making use of this space to build sea-bases would lend some usefulness to the boats on rust-mini.
I'm assuming this is handled by the Build() function of the script, but I can't seem to find which lines to modify to control this.
I thought about adding other build areas in the distance for that map but then it would be hard to find parts to break/fuse when build points are low. That and the points would be spread across a much larger area, making them feel even more limiting. Anyway I updated the scripts to enable build points when g_build_anywhere=true (download from github).
Inside, for adjusting the Apache spawn rates is there any variable which controls how many of them are allowed to be spawned at any given time? Or perhaps some way to make the Apache despawn immediately instead of roaming out at sea. I have the issue on rust_legacy_b9 of up to three Apache roaming the map causing endless chaos.
I see the "g_apache_min_delay" and "g_apache_max_delay" variables. Are their spawn rates a random value between these two variables in minutes? How would one go about completely disabling the Apaches except by calls from the .apache command.
Sorry for asking, this I know there are comments giving brief explanation to these variables (// time (in minutes) between apache spawns) but I am still very confused as to their usage.
Yes, a random time is chosen between those delay values. You can disable random apaches by commenting out or deleting these lines: (L1437-L1438) (L59)
Then they can only be spawned with the .apache command. Using the .apache command without removing those lines permanently increases the amount of apaches that can be alive at the same time. I'm guessing that's what happened on rust_legacy.
This worked, thank you. I also have one more question pertaining to the .save and .load commands, in what directory & file is the map data saved to? If possible I would like to keep a few backups of various map states going.
np, and save data is stored here:
svencoop/scripts/maps/store/<map name>.dat