Scientist Run





Scientist Run

Author Hezus
Date of release Final - September 18, 2002
.bsp filename scirun


You were working on your project together with other scientists. But today your work will be done. Today you will complete the research on the HypoShacker.

This device can track meteors in space. Let`s hope that those guys in Anomimal Materials do not use all the power today. The day started bad. You had trouble with your wife and the dog chewed on your shoes. And now you stand waiting in front of the elevator. After pressing a few buttons nothing happens. Seems it is jammed. After calling Otis, who tried to fix the elevator by hitting on the keypad which resulted in a complete elevator failure, you are now waiting on the handyman to come and fix that damn elevator so you can finally complete your greatest invention..

Suddenly the lights start flickering.. Then you hear strange sounds..

Additional info


Scientist Run is one of my old maps that I first threw into the basket because I thought it was nothing compared to my new maps. Tho the map was 98% finished then, so I started patching it up with the skills in architecture I have now. And it resulted in a nice map that has the quality of the newer Svencoop maps. Originally, Scientist Run was the bonus map that someone could win when he/she found the code in the SvenCoop Hazard Course Beta 2. It was Freaking Neo who won the map back then when I remember it well..

The map itself

It contains everything what is asked from the modern SvenCoop map :
Action, Gameplay, Story, Puzzles, Co-op play and fine architecture.

The gameplay

There are some nice sequences and monster placements. And I guess the map is difficult enough to be played with a few people. (5 deaths on Singleplayer) It offers some Half-life like puzzles. To get trough the door to escape you must shut down a few systems that are of course all guarded by aliens or/and soldiers. To gain access to the system you must shut down another system that opens the door to it. Like in Blast Pit (HL) or Pit Worms Nest (Op4). You do not have to walk long ways to get to the action because you mostly will be placed in the center of an area.


My first map that got a real credit for architecture is Central Assault. Expect same styled rooms in Scientist Run.

Co-op play

As you being a scientist you will face more enemies you can handle at once so Co-op play is needed to beat the monsters before they beat you. Certain areas have low resources on health and armor so you will need to heal each other or be very careful. This is not a map for suicide runs. You will NOT need 2 players to finish the map. But of course its more fun with 2 ;)

Additional credits

  • I'm not responsible for any damage, loss of anything to your body or computer.
  • You are NOT allowed to copy things out of my map WITHOUT my permission.
  • (PC) Magazines are allowed to copy my maps on their CD only with all files attached in this zip. (a notify from the Magazine would be nice.. hehe )




2002 black-mesa co-oprequired community-edit puzzle size:medium walkthrough

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