Soul Run





Soul Run

[[tab Overview]]



Author Naigel
Date of release Final - August 30, 2005
.bsp filename soul_run


Welcome to the Soul Run track! This resort can be used for racing of any kind. Most people bunnyhop in this track. It's hard to explain what bunnyhop is, but basically it means you can gain speed with a certain way of jumping. You'll have to watch other people do it. There is not really an objective, the map is more eyecandy and fast speed bunnyhopping. With help of some trigger_push entities you are able to gain more speed, combine these with a bunnyhop and you'll be racing throughout the track. The spawnbuilding includes camera's to view different parts of the track, as well as medkit machines to heal yourself. Anyway, enough nonsense, go walk around the map and enjoy your stay.

Additional info

  • Soul Run uses many custom models, textures, and sounds.
  • It is named after Souleh, who provided inspiration and help during the map's development.
  • A sequel, Soul Run 2, was in development, but is most likely now abandoned.
  • There is a chance that Soul Run will be converted to Sven Co-op 2.

Additional credits

Cessle - (testing)
Doener - (models)
DPhantom - (testing)
Hessi - (models)
JinKe - (testing)
Jon01 - (testing)
Nazul - (textures)
Proctor - (textures)
scuZ - (testing)
Some Japanese dude - (textures)
Soul - (help, inspiration, motivation)
The_Epitome - (sounds)
Xenon - (models)
X-tender - (textures)




2005 fun race size:large

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