Source of Life
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Source of Life
Author | Sence |
Date of release | v 1.6 - January 20, 2016 |
Date of Fix | Finalfix v 1.7 - Febuary 9, 2016 Finalfix v 1.8 - Febuary 10, 2016 |
Date of Update | Update v 2.2 - January 27, 2018 |
Date of Fix | -Fix v 2.2 - March 12, 2018 |
.bsp filename | source_of_life_v22, source_of_life_1_a_v22, source_of_life_2_a_v22, source_of_life_3_a_v22, source_of_life_3_b_v22, source_of_life_4_a_v22, source_of_life_4_b_v22, source_of_life_5_a_v22, source_of_life_secret_1_a_v22, source_of_life_end |
-Story : The dark lord has destroyed the source of life and took the pieces of it with him.
Your a Holy guard who needs to get the pieces from the dark lord.
Additional info
Additional credits
- Wootguy
- Streamfox
- Misfire
- KaLo
- Maps get randomly choosed.
- entire random entsystems.
- More stuff.
- random random Random.
Rate this map
3.8 / 5 (16 votes)
Comments & discussion
- Feedback should be constructive.
- For discussion not related to this map, post in the forum.
- If you need help installing maps, please read the installation guide.
page revision: 159, last edited: 23 Jan 2025 07:54
Extremely boring and tedious
Hi, I really like the map, a big reason for that is the music. I can't see anywhere that it lists all the songs used in the mod, so I would really appreciate knowing what they all are so I can hear the full versions in higher quality. I understand if you can't give me a full list, but if there's even one song I would really want to know, it would be the one that plays when you're attacked by the tentacle monster in the wall, and the file that plays for it is called "shits". I'm sure I know the song but I can't find it for the life of me.
You won't find the songs anywhere, and not even in HD, because they were made by the mapper himself.
I know not all of them are made by the mapper, the track called "wootguy_song" is just Deadmau5 - Strobe for example. And I know I've heard "shits" from somewhere else, I just can't remember the name.
I think only one is made by Sence, all the others you can find with Shazam. I know only a few of them:
boss_hand_intro.mp3, boss_hand_loosp_theme.ogg
boss_intro_theme.ogg, boss_theme_loop.ogg
demon_house_theme.ogg, demon_house_loop.ogg
endsong_3.ogg, keygenyo_3.ogg
porn1.ogg, porn2.ogg
spike_ambintro.ogg, spike_amb_lokp.ogg
Oh cool, thanks a bunch! I tried Shazam for the "shits" file but it wasn't long enough, but I hadn't tried it for the other songs, this is a big help!
For the 'shits.ogg' seems to be this one
Desafortunada no podre jugar ese mapa porque no tengo SC 5 por que soy pobre y no tengo internet en mi casa,estoy en una cabina,Creo que mi situación mejorara cuando sea literalmente Un Fantasma :'V.
Pero cerrá el orto pelotudo
Alright, I added the fixed version to it now.
Found a minor issue: first map (source_of_life_v22) is trying to change to source_of_life_1_a_v21 instead of v22.
Oh man, well i'm gonna fix it later on but currently i can't it will take a while. Also since it wasnt being tested yet it's a bit buggy. I relay currently completle on reviews. And gonna fix the issues once im back.
My bad, I made a quick update to 2.2 didn't add info yet through. Just made sure everything is good to go so i won't gave to do this anymore.
Wtf is it V22 or V21 ? Bsp files have v22 in their names…
2.1 Updateupdate. So i adjusted the difficulty of it so its more a fair challenge. Also sprites will tell you what to do on 1_a if no progress is made in a certain amount of time.
unless its obvious of course
Thank you.
I played the last version, 2.2, but it crashed on the first map…
What happened, did it just crash? What does the console say? Do you mean source_of_life_v22 or 1a_v22? Did you install it corretly?
Map 2a is a complete mess. Played with 3 players. We set it to easy to get 40 lives. Made it to 2nd level without losing a life. Lost all but 10 lives getting to the cursed rock because you have to melee the hordes of "zombies" but are effectively forced to take damage doing so. Got to the cursed rock and it said to throw your swords at it, which you simply cannot do. The sword doesn't reach the cursed rock when you throw it.
Do us all a favor and remove the life limit. It's ridiculous.
Also, enemies continue to attack during cut scenes. Not good.
An easy solution would be to make Easy mode infinite lives. Doesn't change the awkwardness of fighting the bosses though.
Holy shit this map is legit awful. 5 second loop of some shit song made in garage band, and nothing to do.
Needs alot more refining (and less 5 second loops) before this becomes playable.
Probably you should go into details what needs to be fixed, refined and such. You know the thing we call "feedback".
the music is strange but i dont think it needs fixing.
Well I finally got through it. Golly gee there was maybe only once where I thought it was interesting. for 10 seconds and that was the first house boss, it's introduction
The music is bland and repetitve, and does not suit the map the slightest bit, the fact enemies sound like they're taking a piss every time they die is a little irritating, the "boss fights" are just dumb, shooting an ms paint face isn't a boss.
it's just really edgy overall and it needs alot more refining
i understand. Read some reviews too. I see your point. The map has interesting concepts with scripted bosses and monsters everywhere. But it needs polishing. This is what I can agree with:
. Music is repetitive, strange and boring/ear raping although it is unique
. Bosses have huge amounts of health that is also taken down quite easily
. lots of one hit kills both for players and monster damages, making a instagib game is not challenging
. depending on what you do you get to kill just two or three bosses before the map series end while half or more of the maps are rarely ever played because of it
. because of the things above maps are very short instagiby boss fights that end quickly and.have no challenge…
the pros is that it makes use of extreme custom content and it is noticeable the mapper put effort into it although he needs to balance the difficulty and make everything more challenging, fun, less instagiby and longer
this can also be done with ripent and time.