Stadium 2





Stadium 2 tt_official.png

[[tab Overview]]
Author Sven Viking + Edited by WaRgAsMo
Date of release Final - December 16, 2000 (SC 1.9)
.bsp filename stadium2, stadium-f

Author's (WaRgAsMo) description for Stadium2:

The Stadium map allows you to spawn virtually any Half-Life creatures
and watch them kill each other (or stand there). You can help one side
by using the Gauss Gun, or by teleporting into the arena itself.
But please, dont be a pussy and sit out there all the time gaussing the
monsters. That is why i didnt put any extra gauss ammo in the map.

It's great in single-player, but you can also play co-operatively with
your friends. You could make bets on which monsters will survive, or
one could spawn monsters while the others are in the arena, or
whatever. The possibilities are endless, at least untill someone crashes
the game by abusing my generosity of the monsters. Hope the host doesnt
have a crappy computer!

Author's (Sven Viking) description for Stadium-f:

This is an altered version of Stadium2, which was an altered version of Stadium1. In case that was confusing:

- I made Stadium1, and released the .rmf file
- Wargasmo improved Stadium1 to make Stadium2, and gave me its .rmf file.
- I altered /that/ to make Stadium-f, which is generally exactly the same as Stadium2, except for the addition of friendly monsters.

The yellow buttons at the bottom of the monster controls spawn friendly versions of that monster type. The red Barney button spawns evil Barneys. Friendly monsters (and evil Barneys) without "friendly" skins have been made white in this map, so it's easy to tell who's who.

Additional info

Stadium2 is based on an .rmf Sven Viking provided of stadium1.
Stadium-f, an edited version of Stadium2, was released by Sven Viking afterwards, featuring buttons for friendly monsters.

Additional credits

Sven Viking
Mad Jonesy
Keen (you didnt really help, i just thought i should mention you…)
Zoner's HL Tools




2000 creepsworld-top50 fun official official-screlease size:small

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