The Challenge





The Challenge

Author Kampy
Date of release Final - January 19, 2003
.bsp filename the_challenge


The Challenge is my first serious attempt of making a great Svencoop map and Im pretty sure this is what you get when you download this map! The Challenge uses the maximum amount of entities possible with the HL engine. The main part of the map is a temple with 6 pillars and 6 teleporters. Each teleporter stands for an adventure or a task which you have to fulfill. When the job is done - for example to break a certain target - the teleporter is sealed and the pillar begins to shine. At the start you only have the crowbar. The first room inside the temple contains the glock and chargers for your health and HEV suit plus 6 doors. During the tasks you can find new weapons. Is a task finished one of the doors opens and reveals the weapon that could be found in this task. When all targets have been acchieved a big door opens and you can get some more action. You dont have to do the tasks in the same order everytime you play it, you can even chose if you team up on a mission or simply do several missions at the same time. Every mission has a totally different theme for example one is on a sailing ship. The whole map looks extremely cool and has lots of sounds and custom textures plus an alternative gameplay so I recommend this map to everyone who plays svencoop. It might be a little too easy for good players though. main points of the map: - alternative gameplay - different tasks with free choice of order - 2-5 players recommended - a little too easy for good players - cool outfit, sounds & textures with different themes hints: - you'll need 2 players to play the map, open the first door by pushing the buttons at the same time - the weapons that you find in the tasks can be found in the first temple room - these weapons are revealed when the tasks are fulfilled - try to destory the temple style objects to fulfill the tasks - destroy the dartboards in the bar task

Additional info

Sven Coop: The Challenge

Filename : the_challenge (bsp/cfg)
Mapper : Kampy
Mappers Page :
Construction Time : about 4 months
Beta Testings : 2.4
size : big
Enemy Type : alien, human


1) To open the first door you have to push
the two buttons at the same time!
2) The pillars in the middle of the first
temple room can heal you and recharge
your armor.
3) In most missions, your goal is to destroy
one or more cubes which has the tempel
4) In one mission the monsters come out of
green teleporter doors - destroy those doors
to turn off the monsters' appearance.

you may not do this without my permission:

- decompile and change this map
- sell it in any way

visit for more maps (HL+CS)

visit for map and mod reviews

If you have any comments on my map(s) contact me!
my icq : 82273535
my email : ed.xmg|02ypmaK#ed.xmg|02ypmaK
or write in my guestbook on my page!

Now have fun! :)

Additional credits





2003 size:large walkthrough

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