The Climb 2





The Climb 2

Author Joe^vi[.r!], ported by AdamR
Date of release Final - 2003
.bsp filename the-climb2


The sequel to The-Climb!!, This one is much more detailed and hopefully, funner :D

The Story:
You and your fellow explorer's were exploring this deep, deep, cave….
When suddenly…the rope to get back up was broken…you are now trapped down 4 miles deep…..and you are running low on food….You must climb out if you wish to survive…..

Additional info

Originally a custom map for Team Fortress Classic available here:


  • There are no checkpoints! If you fall off you have to climb back up.
  • This is a pretty hard challenge, and will stress test your ability to manoeuvre in the GoldSrc/Svengine game engine. Expect your first attempt to take at least 1 hour. (This is the easiest of the 3 maps.)
  • Some of the longer jumps later on will require the strafe jumping technique.
  • You may want (or ask the server owner) to enable Sven Co-op's Teleport plug-in so you can save your position by saying "/s", and restore it by saying "/p" when (not if) you fall.
  • If you do use "/p" while falling you will still fall after restoring, thus you will likely be killed. Wait until you stop falling first. (Even if it means death.)
  • Fall damage will hurt you badly. Please heal other players when they're hurt.
  • Press +use (usually "E") to instantly stop moving when you land on something.
  • Please be patient of players in front of you. This isn't a race, so don't try to push past causing others fall off.
  • Although this map may seem impossible throughout it HAS been tested to completion by 3 people. It's just hard.

Differences from the original map:

  • Medkits added at the very start so should you fall (and not die) you can begin again with full health. (Probably pointless.)
  • The 12 coloured items at the end have not been ported. (They did nothing anyway.)
  • A portal has been added at the end to give you points and let you run through the map again.

If you can beat this map (legitimately, no cheating, etc) you can call yourself pretty darn dexterous on this game engine. (You will also score 10 points for each completion.)

Additional credits

The juggle wave is from the escape map (for TFC) "Artifact" by Kami, Thanks Kami! :D

Ported to Sven Co-op by Adam "Adambean" Reece.



2003 conversion difficulty:hard jumping size:medium skills tfc

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