The Game 2008





The Game 2008

Author Foster Hoskins
Date of release Final - 2008
.bsp filename thegame2008, thegame2008_2


A top secret research facility nestled in the
Mariana Trench, more than eleven kilometers beneath
the Pacific Ocean. The year is 1968.

Fresh out of MIT you were chosen by the government
and given work contracts for six months.

Your secondary job is to maintain the pelagic facility's
electrical and mechanical operations and to recycle
failed anomolous materials. Your primary job is to
not ask questions.

Welcome back to the Game.

Additional info

Originally an escape map for TFC, at least 3 players are needed to complete the map. This is a purely puzzle-based map, there is no combat here.

This map is a little different compared to other TFC puzzle maps in that it was played with the Engineer class rather than the Civvie. As a result some puzzles require you to make use of dispensers and/or teleporters, these have been added in via scripts. You can build by using your ATTACK2 (right-click by default) key whilst holding the spanner. Buildings cost cells to build, displayed in the lower-left hand corner.

This is the last entry of "The Game" series of escape maps by Foster Hoskins.

Known issues:

  • If you are hosting on Linux and installing into svencoop_addon, then you will need to copy or create a symlink to the TH spanner script:

Additional credits

Ported to Sven Co-op by Meryilla
Thanks to the S/v/en Co-op community for testing the port



2008 2025 co-oprequired conversion difficulty:hard jumping puzzle secrets size:medium tfc

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