The Lake





The Lake

Author Paranoid_AF
Date of release Final - Jun 23, 2018
.bsp filename thelake


PLEASE NOTE THAT THIS MAP CONTAINS META CONTENT. The map will fake messages sent by other players, do not get into conflict! :)
Also, this map has dynamic difficulty. With waves and players increasing, monsters will spawn more and more frequent.

This is a remake of the lake scene in Cry of Fear, with some assets imported.
However, this map contains an unique gameplay: wave based survival.
Within each wave (90 seconds), the player must kill all the monsters keeping spawned (until the last 20 seconds) in the map. If there's any monster on the scene when time's up, the game ends.
When a wave is successfully fought back, a new wave starts while some supplies are dropped.

You could find vending machines like this:
By interacting with it, you'll see a menu:

Story: (pretty nonsense though)
You've just escaped from a mental hospital, where the doctor said you're sick - but how could it be?
Then you get to a lake where the doctor is standing there, saying that you're going to play a "game" with him.
Why is the doctor here? What game would it be?
You'll find out soon.


v3 - Jul 2, 2018

  • Added a vending machine, where you could purchase items such as highlighting all enemies.

v2 - Jul 2, 2018

  • Added collision to trees.
  • Added multiple spawn point.

Additional Credits

CoF textures and models: Team Psykskallar
Utility script "Random": MrOats


2018 horde scary size:medium survival water

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