The Stockades





The Stockades

Author Skals
Date of release Final v1.4 - September 12, 2008
.bsp filename stockade


The Stockades is medium sized SvenCoop map. its quite challenging and nice. i added it because i want suggestions of how to improve it and what should happen next. If you spot some bugs can you tell me those too :)

Note: If you can't beat a boss, don't worry! skip it! (with the exception of the Volgraunt boss, Voltigore boss and the robots. the robots should be killed because youll need to use theshortcut that they are blocking.)

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Stockade v1.4
This is not the final version of the map but it is quite ready and i even have a game_end in it. i dont play on adding any other content for a while so, enjoy.

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2008 community-edit size:medium walkthrough

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