Uboa Rampage II
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Uboa Rampage II
Author | takedeppo.50cal |
Date of release | v1.2a - October 13, 2018 v1.2 - September 22, 2018 v1.1 - September 17, 2018 v1 - September 1, 2018 |
.bsp filename | uboa_rampage_II |
The cans of destruction came back again!!
Fight for the peace!!
Fight for the order!!
Fight for the UBOA CITY!!
Anyway, D E S T R O Y E V E R Y T H I N G ! ! !
|# ゚Д゚| |# ゚Д゚| |# ゚Д゚| |# ゚Д゚|
|# ゚Д゚| |# ゚Д゚| |# ゚Д゚| |# ゚Д゚|
|# ゚Д゚| |# ゚Д゚| |# ゚Д゚| |# ゚Д゚|
W E A R E R E A D Y T O R A M P A G E !!
… Aaaaaand as I thought, this must be an experiment map for scripts.
but that's really immaterial, indeed.
We must cry!!
(** This map may be bad compatibility with SCXPM. A KI RA ME RO (<@><@> ;) )
Additional info
To all UBOA fans,
by enuze (゚ω゚ )
Additional credits
| ゚Д゚| blah blah blah
(; ^^) IRO IRO
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There are over 1635 maps for Sven Co-op! Here are a few:
page revision: 31, last edited: 29 Aug 2022 10:23
I'm making an UBOA themed musical album , all work is original but i have a wish to use the Kyokushin loop song in it (FULLY CREDITED TO YOU , with no financial intent!) I'd like it to serve as a tribute to you and the map which i fondly love. Let me know if i can! (again i'll fully credit takedeppo as the author and will make no money on it) Thxx
kyokushin_loop.ogg what caught this
Since this is about UBOA, is it OK if I can upload a UBOA mod of another game for download? I'm only asking for your permission.
What do you mean? No, this website is just for Sven Coop maps!!
In "weapon_higonokami.as" , You set wrong owner of "throwknife_shot" in "void touch",which had led to no scores be added to players. please fix the "pOther.TakeDamage ( pev, pev, HITDAMAGE, DMG_SLASH );" to "pOther.TakeDamage ( pev, self.pev.owner.vars, HITDAMAGE, DMG_SLASH );".
Throwing knife and sword wave are fixed.
Incidentally, I fixed impact attacks (AoE) too.
(-> Steel frame, Brick, Hammer)
And, adjusted some scripts.
Thank you for pointing it out. I learned so much.
Hello, I'm guessing you still remember me somehow judging by your not-too-friendly messages about me in your content? I believe that you must have mistranslated something that I said, because some of the messages you and your friend keep trying to add about me are absurd and ridiculous, and aren't anything I would have ever thought of or have said. This has gone to the point where your pathetic little friend is trying to insult me by adding a delusional rant about me to his wall (with some personal info, which got him a free report). I would seriously like for this to stop, as I have moved on and I no longer wish to be included in any content regarding "Uboa" or my take on it.
As a former fan, I previously wanted to express to you and Enuze my interest in your content. Sure, I may have read a little too deeply into what in the end turned out to be a hodgepodge of 2ch memes and meaningless shenanigans (as an avid fan does), but I never meant to come off as bothersome or "insane" to either of you. That old and probably obsolete by now addon for "Garry's Mod" was meant to be seen as a tribute to you and your friends silly and unique creations, and to introduce more people to your content. My free mod was meant to be seen as a free advertisement for you, but clearly it translated to a "useless ripoff" instead, which I'm not so proud of. Which is ironic, considering that most of the "Uboa" models are just stolen from other HL mods and SC maps with an ascii texture slapped onto it.
I never meant any harm, and I apologize if it came off that way. Clearly, you misunderstood something that I said. I no longer wish for any part in any of you or your friends' content, and I will no longer re-distribute "your" content for other game engines. I will keep the GMod addon available simply because other people enjoy it, and if you wish, you may temporarily add me on Steam so I can add you as a "creator" so it can be in your name. Also, you or "enuze" could have easily went to my profile to negotiate any problems we might have instead of being an ass about something I did or said two years ago.
This is going to be a lot of hassle for you to translate, and while I am sorry, it's not really my problem if you can't understand who you and your wanker of a friend have been deliberately trying to insult for the past two years (despite my overall inactivity). On the contrary, it goes to show how little you actually consider your own fans.
Thank you for reading, and please stop including me in your content.
For now, I could not understand well what you want to said.
But, I will apologize If you feel uncomfortable.
It seems you are misunderstanding.
Certainly I put a light irony message(like a joke) to models, but did you feel indignant and uncomfortable with this??
(And, it seems you are misunderstanding very much. first, it is not a message to you.)
Did I say a complaint to you about this?
If I thought that is problem, I will contact you directly.
And, I want to say about re-making, modifing, and re-distribution.
I think it's almost no problem (maybe, except for extreme cases).
I DO NOT intetend to claim copyright especially about uboa models.
These models are not only my contents.
I have modified it, and used it many times too .
No need adding my credit for uboa models.
Keep in your mind please.
(Also, I do not intend to look lightly, and I should not look it lightly.)
…. I think you are too much received seriously.
However I apologize.
So, what should I do for you?
I really don't want to make any problems.
I would appreciate it if you were to refrain from adding any more negative messages referencing me in your future content.
The joke is literally a character of "me" saying things that I don't think I have ever actually said, only to be perceived by others as an insane idiot, with "misunderstanding" as the final tagline. How unreasonable is it for me to interpret this as hostile? The references don't even seem to apply to me, which is partially why I'm so confused.
Also, your incessant remarks about me "misunderstanding" are non-constructive and come across as disparaging and vain. Perhaps if you could validate your aggressive accusations with something more constructive, I'd have more to go on?
However, I apologize if I seem angry towards you about this matter. It's just very hard to tell if your message about me was actually intended to be a lighthearted gesture, because it certainly did not appear that way.
Thank you for reading what you could from my comments. I know it's probably very hard to read what I'm saying, and I unfortunately don't know enough Japanese to properly establish a legible sentence. I'm very glad that we can talk about this and solve our issues in a calm and collected manner.
Lastly, I do not intend to cause any trouble between you and me. However, I'm confused and simply looking to receive clarification about this apparently years-old joke about me as well as to clear up any conflicts we might have had in the past. I think your work is great, and I hope that we can leave this on good terms. If not, then you can simply forget I exist and I won't bother you ever again.
Map is fixed and updated. Perhaps this will be no longer bother you.
Also, I will be fix previous one (…with some scripts, etc). wait for a little while please.
I didn't understand your situation well. Really sorry.
I have to say uboa maps are actually quite fun (except if you play more than one or two a day or dont have enough players). It's nice to have more of them because they are all well made, have crazy scripting for both monsters, weapons and some gameplay mechanics, so kudos to the creators