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Ultimate Attack

Author | P@TRIOT |
Original mod release | June 26, 2004 |
Date of release | December 9, 2019 |
Last update | v1.2 - May 16, 2020 |
.bsp filename | ss0a0 (+17 maps) |
You are Agent David Johnson, a Black Ops operative in the SC Institute's Cleanup Division.
After coming back from a successful mission at a secret military research complex in Area 69, the Boss has assigned you in the coverup of a large scale accident known as the Black Mesa Incident, said to have been caused by a physical anomaly referred to as a resonance cascade.
As you make your way through the research facility, you find yourself in the wake of fierce conflict between HECU military forces and otherwordly creatures. It's up to you to put an end to both and see to it that the nuclear payload is successfully delivered, that this catastrophe is lost to the pages of time…
Hopefully if you make it out of this alive you'll get a large sum of money at the end of this and finally go on that long awaited vacation to Sven's Holiday Island Resort!
Additional info
This is a ripent conversion of the original Half-Life mod ported to Sven Co-op. Because of the limitations on the bsp size for Half-Life and the map transitions in Sven Co-op, the levels are brief and feel like a "loading simulator". There is no way around this other than to merge the bsps together which is almost impossible without the sourcemaps.
Antirush feature has been implemented to ensure the levels are not completed in half a minute to allow players to explore the maps at their own leisure.
Known Issues
- Some places in the maps are rendered null where they are clearly visible to the player, likely since the original mod was not playtested. This cannot be fixed without the source maps.
Additional credits
- Outerbeast - Conversion
- AlexCorruptor - Support and playtesting
- The Robster - Voices
Special thanks to:
- Neo- nightvision
- _RC- map save script
- Garompa for model fixes and bug reporting
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Comments & discussion
- Feedback should be constructive.
- For discussion not related to this map, post in the forum.
- If you need help installing maps, please read the installation guide.
using BSPguy merge
these HL-UA maps
I'm thinking about just doing the merges from decompiles- there are many issues with texturing and world geometry in some places that bspguy cannot fix.
Waiting for SC 5.23 first though.
Gave up after about 4 maps, they're mostly completely empty. Never seen so many breakable crates that give you nothing. Only a couple of the first 4 maps had (constantly respawning) monsters in, it's a shame since the architecture is there, just no combat. Also the red night vision is horrible. Why? It was green in OpFor because it represented the technology for image intensifiers for that era. Red is just grim.
Antirush is a great idea, but it's horribly intrusive here, the sprites are lit up all the time everywhere so there is no exploring or discovery, you just run from spawn to the garish green sprite - really, anti-rush should be completely disabled for less than 2 players, and should only be actually visible when you attempt to access the door/button/whatever. Also the changelevel sprites are unnecessary and also intrusive.
Seems like GMan should have had an intro speech in the Osprey, since it's a "alternative version" of the same HL scene, but he was mute and we just sat there in silence until the map changed; not even a screen message.
Could have been really quite good had it been populated with suitable monsters and fights. Maybe it's unfair to comment on only the first quarter but I was just too bored to continue.
It's amateurish map design at best. The fact that the intro chapter is split up into 4 separate bsps makes it a crappy experience in SC, had these bsps been merged the overall emptiness could have been excusable. The earlier maps certainly could have used more enemies but I felt that shoehorning them in would worsen the (already shaky) pacing of the campaign. What is an 18 bsp campaign could have easily been a 9 or 10 if the author was any bit as good.
Antirush is intrusive but necessary even later in the campaign, since the levels are still very linear, small and short in duration. When you consider that more than 8 players at a time could be going through these levels even while playing solo is a dawdle, antirush is the best solution since the levels don't offer anything with exploration such that more enemies or item hunts could be added.
Regarding the red nightvision and the bodyguard: night vision here was changed to red since its a black ops campaign, this was a detail that aimed to enhance the immersion that you were a black ops agent, since the lenses on their goggles in the models are tinted red. I do agree it's an eyesore though, there will be an update to improve the nightvision, but the red color will be retained.
The bodyguard in the intro sequence is supposed to speak, but I think there is a bug/oversight that is causing him not to, will also be addressed in the next update.
-The campaign does quicken up its pacing later on with much more enemies but the level design doesn't improve that much, you may be disappointed.
Still, its another Black Ops themed campaign addition to SC and that in itself has some play value, because its not often you get to play as a black ops agent. I hope there will be more Black Ops mods for SC in the future that are much better, or in the very least, not crappy.
AntiRush has been added to the levels: 66% players of total alive players must be present in order to progress through the levels, and some have a kill all enemies condition indicated by a skull icon.
Many thanks to CubeMath for scripting the custom entities that allow this to be possible.
The hard crash bug in ss4a3 has also been fixed, other fixes are detailed in the changelog.
Was the wrong file uploaded? I see this mentioned in "Known Issues".
I found out the crash problem was simply because the author foolishly added a duplicate trigger_once to the same event so the event was being triggered twice at the same time overwhelming the game and hard crashing it (oddly the issue doesn't exist in the original mod). I've just disabled that extra trigger entirely and its working just fine. Expect an update shortly.
Not sure what you mean with the wrong file though, everything should be there.
I mean maybe the wrong version of that bsp was uploaded. I'm still getting a crash when walking through the hallway past the first door on the lower level.
I checked the bsp: it is the correct one, but I think it may be crashing still because the two trigger_onces are pointing to the same target (although that target is a dummy one so it does nothing). The triggers are superimposed on one another so when you walk through that passage both are being triggered at the same time, probably causing crashing still. I originally though the event itself being triggered twice was causing the crash so I thought it was sufficient to just disable that event entirely but I didn't know at the time there triggers were embedded within each other.
EDIT: The crashing bug has been fixed
-As an sidenote, this is just one of the many amateurish mistakes the author has done: you'll often find some faces rendered null that are clearly visible or easily found if you did some platforming, and not to mention what is an 18 bsp map could have easily been 8 or 9 even for those days. And let's not start with the use of 1000 trigger_onces instead of a simple auto + multi_manager- yeah THAT happened…
Anyways no worries, I've moved that extra trigger elsewhere and reenabled that event, I've yet to run into a crash. If you need a hotfix I can upload one but a proper version 1.1 update will come fairly shortly that will have antirush blockers and a bunch of other tweaks and fixes.