Ultra Monster





Ultra Monster

Author amckern
Date of release Final - June 17 2016
V45 - January 18, 2011
.bsp filename ultra_monster


Your in an old area of black mesa and have to turn the power on, once thats done your going to have an Ultra Monster fight on your hands.

Ultra Monster was developed as an official map for 4.5, but becuase it needs a bit more polish i have made it a public map so that i can large scale play test, and make changes for the map to be included in the next build of svencoop.

It looks like some textures may be from other mods, your correct, the map uses some night watch textures, and the texture set by chrome angel for NS (found in sc_avp.wad)

NB: If you look like your stuck, did you kill everything?

Additional info

Possible issue with the HW Grunt, he seems to find to many path nodes, and freezes the game when he try's to go UP, instead of in a straight line.

Small fix to prevent scientist in box-room from breaking the map, by being stubbornly unwilling to die properly. Download the ultra_monster_final_FIXED.zip, extract the single file and use it to over-write your existing copy of ultra_monster_final.bsp wherever you originally installed it (e.g. svencoop_addons/maps).

Additional credits

  • Sparks (final version - Ripent fix)



2009 2011 size:medium walkthrough

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