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Author | Maverick Developments |
Original mod release | 2001 |
Date of release | 18 May, 2021 |
.bsp filename | want0 (+ 43 more) |
A western-themed campaign about a sheriff named Rogan who seeks out his long lost brother to enact his revenge for bringing about the destruction of his people and his town.
Fight cowboys, bandits, hillbillys, indians and venomous critters strewn about the wilderness as you embark on an epic journey for the justice of your homeland!
Additional info
- There are lots of map transitions - recommended playing the campaign with w00tguy's AntiRush plugin for this reason
- ⚠️Warning: This campaign uses custom weapons. If you have any weapon plugins installed, this can lead to weapon slot conflicts causing weapons to be unselectable. Please ensure you've added this campaign to a blacklist for the plugin(s), or contact the plugin author and report this.
Known Issues
- Eagle entity is not yet implemented
- Some human npcs are reskins of stock npcs, which will have issues with some sentences using default instead of overridden ones, animations not working correctly, and certain npcs only restricted to one type of weapon
These issues may be fixed in a future update.
Additional credits
Sven Co-op Conversion
- Outerbeast - Mapping, additional scripting
- RedSprend - Monsters and weapons scripts
Special thanks to:-
- DNIO071 - Sprites (decals and on screen notes)
- Garompa - medkit syringe model rig and arm reskins
- Gauna - medkit syringe icon
- kmkz - Mapping tweaks and fixes
- R4to0 - Scripting fixes and assistance
- Neo - Nightvision mode
- w00tguy123 - bspguy entmapping tool
- SV BOY - for being an excellent test subject!
- Playtesters - AlexCorruptor, incognico, SV BOY, Vorinc
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3.1 / 5 (15 votes)
Comments & discussion
- Feedback should be constructive.
- For discussion not related to this map, post in the forum.
- If you need help installing maps, please read the installation guide.
There are over 1635 maps for Sven Co-op! Here are a few:
page revision: 54, last edited: 19 Nov 2023 19:08
This is a huge and huge mod. Thank you, your creativity greatly unlocks the potential of Sven Co-op. This is a success. What tribes are the two different Native American tribes in the game actually based on?
On want_29, I found a key and it showed up in Inventory when I picked it up. Then I found a door that said Map Change. I walked up to the door but nothing happened. I looked in my Inventory and the key was gone. I spammed the Use key and walked up to the door but it would not change maps. I had to use Console to change the map. I haven't tried reproducing it yet.
On want_26, there is a building that I believe you should be able to enter but the door is locked and I couldn't find a key. I looked at a really old walkthrough video, in which the map was different because it is an older version, but the player also did not figure out a way in the building. It's at 1:12:11 at (https://youtu.be/R1wpXWvDeqg). Is this another example of there being a key somewhere but it not being very visible or it having sunk into a piece of furniture or a rock or something?
Even though there are three enemies in this building and there are rooms inside with furniture, I am starting to think that this building was not meant to be explored. Because when I use noclip to go inside, it keeps killing me and it will say "Playername mysteriously died".
Oh, I see. This area unlocks later without a key in want_27a.
I feel like I explored every inch of the building and killed all the enemies. Then I go to this barricaded section and I heard "Damn, it's locked!" and then I have no clue what to do after that. I don't see any civilians around that I can rescue or lead to the gate to unlock it. Explosive don't work. I couldn't find any hidden passageways. I didn't see any "items" lying around that I could pick up and use.
Look for a key
I don't think that there is a key. That's the problem. I've searched that map so many times and never once found any key. And I searched my inventory to make sure that I didn't accidentally pick it up. I just searched "Half Life Wanted" on YouTube and I found a 1 hour 46 minute walkthrough of this Wanted game. And at 58:36, you can clearly see that this player had to glitch through the barricade gate without a key because there was no key. (https://youtu.be/R1wpXWvDeqg). So I guess that is what I will do, just no clip through it. Thanks.
Even with no clip on, I can't get past that barricade because there is some sort of invisible wall. And I've gone through every crate, box, wardrobe, furniture, etc. with no clip hoping I could pick up a key somewhere, but it's nowhere to be found. I also no clipped through the map to see if there were any hidden rooms. There weren't any. I honestly do not feel that ANYONE can get past want_21 because I think it is bugged.
Oh nice. I found out that part of the mountain next to the barricade gate can be no clipped through. Just a tiny part near the ground in the corner. So I was able to get past it.
The original mod (the video you linked) doesn't have a key for the gate. This was added for SC to encourage some exploration of the map give a reason to fight the enemies, else players can (and will) rush to the exist skipping all the fights with the bandits.
The key is supposed to be placed on a small table upstairs, if its not there then there is a serious bug that only you have come across, since nobody else has reported this yet.
Well, hopefully someone else can confirm that the key is not there because I've explored every single inch of that area several times. The last time I did it, I did it as no clip and I ran into every object on the map so that should have picked up any keys. I remember there being a table with a white letter on it, but no key. Anyway, it's okay. I mean it's not that important. That mod is divided up in so many maps, so any player can just skip want_16 if they get stuck (and watch it being played on YouTube). Or they can use no clip and fly through a small part of the mountain. But I thought if anyone maintains the maps they might want to know.
You're the first and only person to have ever reported this issue. In fact, I've only been able to reproduce this bug in a beta build for SC 5.26, and not the current version 5.25, meaning the map works fine for me as for everyone else.
What appears to be happening is the key spawns, but 10k units downwards from where its supposed to spawn, so it doesn't exist inside the world.
Why this bug happens I can't answer since it stems from the game, not a misconfiguration of the map entity(s).
I've reuploaded the mappack with a fix to prevent the key from doing this, the key should spawn properly now so you will be able to find it.
Please reinstall the map. Ensure you use the SCMapDB download link and not the others.
I recommend you join the SCMapDB discord so you can discuss or post issues there, so you can get much quicker responses: https://discord.com/invite/fE7e8ms
Thanks. I found the key, picked it up, and unlocked the gate. It works. I didn't see the key the other times that I played, but I see it now. But even though I see it now, I wish it was more visible. Like it was laying on top of a newspaper, book, or letter or something. But anyway, that's just some feedback, not a request. I appreciate you fixing this. And I will consider joining the Discord server to report things like this.
I still couldn't find .nvision_mode, nvision_mode, cl_nvision_mode, nvision, nvmode, etc. in the console. Even if I did find it, I'm not sure what the command is. Like if it was nvision_mode, do I type nvision_mode 1 or 0 or on or off? I'd try every one of them to see what worked, I guess. So I went and commented out the line again. But this time it moved. It is no longer Line 29 on steamapps\common\Sven Co-op\svencoop_downloads\scripts\maps\wanted\wanted.as. It's Line 46 now for some reason. But hey, at least I was able to turn off that that hideous gamma mode off again.
Put nvision_mode in console and hit Enter
It's still an unknown command. (https://youtu.be/yHmKC_mEHqU)
Go to Line 14, change the value to true:
const bool blLanternModeToggle = false
I tried using Line 14 and nvision_mode. I found out that I have to type nvsion_mode every time that I restart the game and play this map. So for me, I think I will go back to commenting out Line 46. Not only that, but there is a slight bug. If I turn my flashlight on and see the super ultra bright gamma and then type nvision_mode in the console, it still shows the gamma. And the flashlight key will just toggle the flashlight beam with the gamma consistently on. The way to fix this is to type nvision_mode in the console again, then turn off the flashlight, then type nvision_mode a third time. Too much hassle.
On want_16, near the map change location, there is a church. Inside the church are enemies and a letter that you can read. And some other items. But I couldn't get inside the church. I used cl_nopclip to get inside and kill the enemies and find the stuff. But once I turned noclip off, I really couldn't get inside the church. I tried destroying the gate that leads inside with an explosive. I tried pressing the use key on teh gate. I tried crouch jumping over the gate. Nothing worked. Also, earlier in the want_16 map, there was an enemy that just froze. It stood still. I couldn't do any damage to him. His health stats did not appear. But that was probably a game glitch and not a map bug. Anyway, I hope someone else who plays this will be able to get into the church no problem. For me, I had to use cheats to get in it.
Maybe it's just a game glitch (not map bug). And I guess it's not that important. I made a video of it though before moving on to the next map.
Is this problem reproducible?
What is supposed to happen is that bandits spawn and you fight them on your way to the church. When you reach the church, the gate is meant to be unlocked by a villager, you have to rescue the villager from the building opposite the church.
Thank you. It did not occur to me to use a NPC to get the gate open. And if there was an audio hint, I probably missed it because I wasn't paying attention and had the sound down low. But yeah, you are right. The map was perfectly fine.
I'm currently on wanted_11, and I like this map so far because I have been able to complete it on my own. Instead of instantly dying when encountering a monster with 10,000 health and 200 attack damage. Or something like that. But I do have some feedback. I really abhor the "flashlight" light settings. It makes everything look awful. Like someone increased the gamma a ton and made everything look really washed out. I would prefer an actual flashlight, like on the default Half-Life maps. I know flashlights don't exist in the western days, but it would look so much better. Also, I'm not a fan of the sounds that respawning items make or when you turn the flashlight on/off. I can't make out what the sound is, but it sounds weird. Other than that, I really like the map.
The map uses a nightvision mode script which has been customised to simulate the lantern effect that exists in the original mod. What you see is what you get from the original.
To use the normal flashlight, simply use the console command `nvision_mode` toggle between the nightvision and normal flashlight.
Thank you. I want to try it, but I'm on the latest version of Sven Co-op, on want12 of Wanted, and when I open up the console and type nvision_mode, nothing comes up. It says "unknown command".
Btw, does this have to be exactly like the original mod? I really think the flashlight lantern affect is bad because it increases the gamma of everything. The sky. The clouds. The mountains in the distance. It just looks really bad. A real "lantern" would only make the area around the player light up. Not only that, but for some reason when I use flashlights on the default HL or in other games, for some reason it doesn't look like "let's just make this area have high gamma". It looks like an actual light source. It's hard to explain. I could make videos that demonstrate how bad the lantern affect looks, but I mean if you need to make it like the original mod or if you personally think it looks okay like this, then nothing I can do. It's just my honest feedback. And I really would like to try this nvision_mode thing to make it use the normal flashlight, but that command doesn't work, even when I try adding a 0 or a 1. When I type letters in the console, it shows a bunch of entries that start with the same letter. I've tried "n" (for night vision), "f" (for flashlight), "m" (for mode), "cl" to see all the cl commands (not sure what cl stands for but for some reason only cl_noclip works, not noclip). I don't know how to display every single command at once. It's too much work to type a, b, c, and then keep pressing the down arrow to have all the commands that there was no room to display show up in the chat text enter field. But I really don't see any commands that could be this nvision_mode you are talking about. I just downloaded Sven Co-op yesterday, and it's the first time using it and this Wanted map. So I don't know all the ins and outs that experienced players and modders take for granted.
cl_ stands for client
i might be wrong but you might need to type a dot before the command so its more like ".nvision_mode" in the console
My mistake. I actually forgot I disabled that command from working, intentionally.
Open wanted.as, go to Line 30 and comment out/remove this instruction:
@NightVision::cmdNVSetMode = null; // Don't want players to disable lantern mode
You can now use the console command to toggle it off.
Could even disable it entirely by deleting Line 29.
With regards to the feedback about the lantern mode, I get that is looks horrible, and you aren't the first person to complain about nightvision in general - but its either shit or bust.
Than you. Commenting out Line 30 didn't work, but commenting out Line 29 did. For anyone else who wants to do this, the wanted.as can be found here…
steamapps\common\Sven Co-op\svencoop_downloads\scripts\maps\wanted\wanted.as
@Outerbeast - How do I get notifications on scmapdb.wikidot.com that someone replied to my post? I went to http://notifications.wikidot.com/notify:8445727/edit/true/title/gaveitatry%20(8445727) and set notifications to hourly, but I have yet to receive a notification on the scmapdb.wikidot.com letting me know someone replied to my post. Do I have to manually subscribe to each game mod thread? Or do I need to set it to email? Any help on this would be greatly appreciated.
@Outerbeast - I just feel bad for other players to play the game and see that nightvision full screen gamma stuff. But if nothing can be done about it, then oh well, I guess. I don't know anything about editing HL or modding, but it would have been cool to move the flashlight so its above the player character facing down to the ground. So it lights up the area around the player instead off in the distance in front of the player. And if the game allows and it is needed, have more than one flashlight above the player's head pointing towards the ground. Some problems though could be that if the flashlights are too high they might be obstructed by something like if the player is inside a duct vent or in a small tunnel. Just some ideas. Also if anything else in the game is a good light source (like campfire, or an actual lamp or light), maybe there is a way to put it above the character or force the character to wear it at the hip or chest or something. Just some other ideas. Not sure if any of them are possible.
@SV Boy - Yeah I tried the dot thing too (I forgot to mention it) but as Outerbeast said, it had been disabled so that's why it wasn't showing up in the console command. Thank you for telling me what cl means.
That level of customisation you are expecting from the game is not possible
As described in the summary there are a lot of map transitions, to the point where in some sections you get less than 30 seconds of gameplay before hitting the loading screen again. For this reason the series is rather unpopular on our server, which is a shame as the port is otherwise very good and it's clear a lot of effort went into this.
We also suffer from an issue with the changelevel from want20 to want21, there seems to be a player block script running preventing players from reaching the changelevel trigger. This is without anti-rush however, I can't speak for it's behaviour with that enabled. See this vid for a demonstration:
Thanks, the level changebeing blocked has been fixed, you may reinstall the map.
The changelevel being blocked was because of the player blocker script being misconfigured.
The script is meant to restrict the playable area of the level to prevent players from cheating by exploiting the surrounding world geometry using a combination of bhop acceleration/surfing.
Measuring the bounds for this is difficult to do correctly (or easy to mess up).
If the source files were available I could have redone the map with proper clip brushes to close off the exploitable areas properly, and also combine a large portion of the levels together and reduce the number of level transitions overall. In the future I might consider combining the levels using bspguy merging but at the moment this introduces a lot of other issues, hopefully bspguy gets improved further by the time I get round to it.
When the campaign gets updated to 1.1, the very short levels will likely have more puzzles or combat as filler and probably more enemies to fight overall with greater difficulty. When I will do this I don't know yet, probably when some of the npcs receive proper programming and improvements.
Its funny how this version is more stable than the original mod.
Thank you for made it!!
Hello, it's very great mod but have bug in want20 and want21
i patched want20 bug.
How is this useful information? You didn't say what the problem was. You just said there was a bug in those two maps and scarpered off at light speed without providing any details what the bug was or what you did to patch it.
Check in Map Change…
That doesn't help either. But I'll give the benefit of the doubt, maybe he is talking about the changelevel not working somehow. I haven't checked.
I checked, there is no bug related to the vague statement "map change" that was made or any other possible thing that I'm finding, specifically between the want20/21 level change