Zombie Survival - Refugee





Zombie Survival - Refugee

Author Cry_Wolf
Date of release V2 - July 1, 2010
V1 - June 6, 2010
.bsp filename zs_refugee


ENG: Welcome to… somewhere, seriously, I don't know how we get here but… well… ehm… here we are. I just know that we have a million zombies out there, and there's something near the trees, hidden, and that thing will kill us if we go there.

ESP: Bienvenidos a… Algun lugar, en serio, No se como llegamos acá pero… bien… ehm… acá estamos. Solo se que tenemos un millón de zombies ah afuera y hay algo cerca de los arboles, escondido, y esa cosa nos va a matar si vamos allí.

Additional info

• The map has 5 zombie waves with a new enemy on each one, each enemy is sightly more powerfull than a normal zombie.
• On each wave a new weapon is unlocked, the weapon is random, once it can be the 357 or other weapon.
• The map has a little secret, if you found it DON'T TELL IT
• Weapons and ammo will not respawn.
• If you die you go to an "End Room" with endmap buttons.
• The sandbag walls can be breaked by zombies.
• If you go too far from the base, you will be killed by "The thing".
• There's a little surprise on the wave 5.

Additional credits

  • Frenchox - Testing
  • OxiB00ST! - oxiwadv2 WAD
  • They Hunger Makers - Trees and bushes models



2010 defense losable scary size:small zombies

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