Map Review of crazy-labyrinth

by GrandmasterJ | December 12, 2021 | 1229 characters

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I can't really be mad when the map description tells me exactly what the level is. It is a long hallway that has a vaguely interesting crystal thing at the end and the map is over. What the description doesn't say is that players are spawned so that they fall to their deaths unless they swim in a sliver of water in the middle. I thought that gimmick was kinda cool after I got what I was supposed to do. But then there is a door with entirely too much health. My teammate gave up trying to break it and looked for alternatives. I cheated and gave myself an egon gun to try. I eventually broke halfway through the ammo.

It's got a grand total of one interesting aspect, the spawn area, and that is it. The rest is a bland hallway with nothing of note.


  • That spawn puzzle was entertaining


  • Door has too much health
  • Not interesting
  • No reward for walking down the tunnel. The map description says as such but still,
Score: 0.5 / 10
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