Adam's Puzzles

by RNG | August 1, 2011 | 2096 characters

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A fairly popular Adam's map still today. the map consist of several puzzle quiz doorways, and players have to answer the questions correct by entering right doorway.
answer wrong and you get sucked into death by Nomble (familiar?). The questions vary from mathematical themes, materials, fruits, to memes?

One problematic thing in this map is the somewhat ankward questions. Like "biggest omnom value" or just annoying end puzzle with almost impossible math equation which rather requires good calculator, hard quessing or trial and error, Otherwise you end up with exorcist girl with any wrong answer. At the end of map youll be rewarded with a large pool, scenery and of course porn room. How can you critize a porn room anyway, but it seems pretty lame. Most memorable thing at the end is "HOT GINGER PUSSY", thanks Jpolito's humor.

Most players will go atleast quarter of the map with trial and error. Common advantage is, the puzzles can be remembered easily and once you even know the final question, the gameplay simply turns into rush-the-map-for-porn-rtv. By that way there isnt much of any interesting gameplay left, but forgot to mention the middle staircase with some rooms. dont know much about secrets in there but earns an additional checkout when playing the map. Also theres a sharkpit with slippery floor with a OMNOMNOM failure scene.

The map also uses lot of music but everything seems taken from Turricans maps, with or without permission i have no idea. A map for first timers who want to quess stuff or suffer semi-annoying deaths or not finding the layout pretty bland.


  • When you completely learn this map
  • Some architecture
  • Maby some questions…
  • Staircase room?


  • When you completely learn it
  • …And some other questions
  • Final puzzle just plain irritating
  • Not much replayable unless you want to rush in porn room or have a bad memory
Score: 5.5 / 10

Review originally from *

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