Map Review of ressya-no-tabi-the-train-travel

by Thunder | February 13, 2020 | 1460 characters

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The game looked good and started good, First level was fun and interesting, the second level is as far as I got because the creator of the map thought it was smart to put a platform puzzle so early in the game, the platforming was awful with ridicules jumps and platforms that were smaller then an ants cock. I couldn't even cover much of the tower they wanted you to climb as it starts off ridicules and the more it goes up from the looks of it the more harder it gets. so if the first part is insane then it's a no brainer that the next 5 floors will be hell. I good and interesting looking map instantly fucked because it's to retarded to even progress through. People who want to make maps should know that you shouldn't place stupid and stressful shit in your maps or else people will just quit and leave not being able to see or experience the rest of what you have made. No idea how long this took the creator but all the effort put in to this map was a waste of time and a waste of their life. Good job on blocking people off from experiencing the map you made.


  • Looked Promasing


  • Can't progress to see the rest of the map.
  • Trying to progress and just biting my tongue and getting on with it was way to stressful
Score: 0 / 10

Review originally from *

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