Post Holocaust

Post Holocaust

Author: Murray "Muzman" Christian

Categories (edit): city dusk

Description: Post Holocaust - Environment map for various games.
by Murray Christian (contact: ten.ii|noixulf#ten.ii|noixulf)

Created in Bryce4
released November 28th, 1999

This started out as a rendered background for a pic I was drawing. Then I thought it might make a good sky so I fleshed it out and rendered it.
And here it is.
A city that's been bombed in a big way.
It's fairly close range; probably best for indoor-ish maps with windows and sky lights because there's not as much debris on the ground as there would be really.
(it even looks pretty good in software for a change)

All original via the techniques of terrain wiz Yuji Nishimoto

Links: (the tutorial I wrote)
(places to find other skies of mine; thanks AQMD and Wadfather for the space)
My web site : (nothing sky related)

For more info on using skies in id engine games, check Primordial Soup's tutorials.
and check out Darc's own cool skies while you're at it.

Some games support higher res skies; eg Quake2 will use a sky that's 512x512, as will Sin.
If you want a large version of this sky, mail me and we'll sort out a file transfer. (All my skies start out at 512x512, but the files are too large to be posting all over the place.)

Agreement stuff:
If you do anything with this sky, please tell me about it and keep this .txt file with it.
This sky is free for use by mappers or anyone else not trying to make a profit from it.
If you're not sure, drop me a line. (you might be surprised how agreeable people can be).


MJC………. aka Muzman (ten.ii|noixulf#ten.ii|noixulf)

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