(Maps tagged with Walkthrough)
In walkthrough maps, players progress through their surroundings along a relatively linear path and accomplish objectives along the way until reaching the end. These missions are usually based upon a storyline. It is important to note that some walkthrough maps may be interspersed with other gameplay elements, such as horde, defense, puzzle etc. to keep things interesting. Many are now available in survival mode as well.
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4.5 / 5
2016 difficulty:hard fun music pvp secrets series size:medium total-conversion walkthrough
4.5 / 5
2005 2007 2016 cof-weapons community-edit conversion scary series size:large survival walkthrough
4.5 / 5
2015 community-edit escape puzzle scary secrets series size:large survival walkthrough
4.5 / 5
2005 community-edit music puzzle recreation secrets size:medium total-conversion walkthrough
4.5 / 5
2002 2003 2016 boms co-oprequired creepsworld-top50 difficulty:medium fun official official-screlease puzzle rcbot series size:large survival svencoop4 svencoop5 walkthrough
4.4 / 5
2012 2024 black-mesa conversion featured losable puzzle series walkthrough
4.4 / 5
2018 2023 black-mesa conversion difficulty:medium losable music playable-solo series size:small survival walkthrough
4.4 / 5
2001 2016 conversion official official-screlease scary series size:large survival svencoop5 walkthrough zombies
4.4 / 5
2013 2016 boss co-oprequired difficulty:hard losable official official-screlease size:medium svencoop5 walkthrough
4.4 / 5
2011 boms boss difficulty:hard music puzzle series size:large total-conversion walkthrough
4.4 / 5
2006 2016 black-mesa boms official official-screlease rcbot size:large survival svencoop4 svencoop5 walkthrough
4.4 / 5
2004 2008 boms co-oprequired escape lobby official official-screlease puzzle series size:large svencoop4 walkthrough
4.4 / 5
2004 2008 boms difficulty:hard escape official official-screlease rcbot series size:large survival svencoop4 svencoop5 walkthrough
4.3 / 5
2024 conversion difficulty:hard featured jumping secrets total-conversion walkthrough war
4.3 / 5
2023 community-edit difficulty:hard egypt jumping lobby series size:large snow walkthrough
4.3 / 5
2022 city music playable-solo secrets size:large survival total-conversion walkthrough
4.3 / 5
2018 2019 difficulty:medium fun jumping secrets size:small walkthrough
4.3 / 5
2018 abandoned community-fixed difficulty:easy horde size:medium walkthrough
4.3 / 5
2001 2018 black-mesa conversion secrets series size:large skills space walkthrough xen
4.3 / 5
2005 2010 community-edit conversion series size:large survival walkthrough
4.3 / 5
2017 co-oprequired conversion difficulty:hard escape losable official official-screlease scary size:large survival svencoop5 walkthrough zombies
4.3 / 5
2001 2006 2016 city community-edit conversion series size:large survival walkthrough xen
4.3 / 5
2016 city community-edit difficulty:medium secrets series size:large walkthrough weird
4.3 / 5
2000 2011 conversion official official-screlease scary series size:large survival svencoop4 svencoop5 walkthrough zombies
4.3 / 5
2002 black-mesa boms co-oprequired creepsworld-top50 defense official official-screlease rcbot secrets size:large svencoop4 svencoop5 walkthrough
4.3 / 5
2003 2008 co-oprequired official official-screlease rcbot size:large svencoop4 svencoop5 walkthrough
4.3 / 5
2005 2008 boms boss co-oprequired difficulty:hard music official official-screlease series size:large svencoop4 svencoop5 walkthrough
4.3 / 5
2005 boms co-oprequired defense difficulty:hard horde rcbot series size:medium walkthrough
4.2 / 5
2012 2025 community-fixed defense difficulty:medium horde losable size:medium space walkthrough
4.2 / 5
2018 2023 black-mesa conversion difficulty:easy losable music playable-solo series size:small survival walkthrough
4.2 / 5
1999 co-oprequired creepsworld-top50 difficulty:hard official official-screlease rcbot series size:medium svencoop4 svencoop5 walkthrough
4.2 / 5
1999 2008 conversion official official-screlease rcbot scary series size:large survival svencoop4 svencoop5 walkthrough zombies
4.2 / 5
2003 boms difficulty:hard official official-screlease rcbot series size:medium svencoop4 total-conversion walkthrough war
4.1 / 5
2015 2021 conversion difficulty:medium insurgency-weapons size:large snow survival walkthrough
Can't find what you're looking for? Note that maps with fewer than 5 votes are automatically hidden when sorting by rating.
Map categories (tags)
Difficulty: easy | medium | hard
Size: small | medium | large
abandoned | admin-room | april-fools | black-mesa | BOMS | boss | city | class-based | community-edit | conversion | co-oprequired | creepsworld-top50 | CTF | defense | egypt | entmap | escape | fun | horde | jumping | losable | maze | music | puzzle | PvP | official | official-screlease | race | rats | rescue | rubbish | scary | secrets | skills | snow | space | surf | survival | SvenCoop4 | SvenCoop5 | TFC | total-conversion | traps | unfixable | unreleased | votemap | walkthrough | war | water | work-in-progress | xen | zombies
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