

Texture packs containing Signs.

Asylum by Dethtex


Asylum textures, suitable for a decaying building.

Contains 84 textures.

Bstretz by Angelheart


A variety of urban textures.

Contains 87 textures.

Building by Evile Dick


This wad contains a number of real life textures:- grasses, hedges, barks, and building themed textures for Half-Life.

Contains 101 textures.



A huge pack of textures, containing everything from liquids, to lights, doors, concrete, walls, signs, glass, wood, xen, etc.

Contains 173 textures.

Deep6 by Relic25


Lots of water textures, along with some miscellaneous interior stuff, lights, signs, etc.

Contains 109 textures.

dethtex_quakerally by Dethtex


Some cool outdoors, streets, and sign textures.

Contains 24 textures.

Doom by id Software


Textures from id Software's Doom (1993) and Doom II: Hell on Earth (1994).

Contains 673 textures.

dt_nyc_firstbatch by Dethtex


City textures.

Contains 28 textures.

Household Textures by Evile Dick


This wad contains a number of different domestic textures textures for Half-Life.

Contains 21 textures.

Sunny Woods by N/A


Both exterior and interior textures, with landscapes textures and cozy houses. Included some sings, vegetation and furnitures.

Contains 87 textures.

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