Texture packs containing Walls.
17th Texture Pack by Killabeez THC
Arbor Arch by unDuLe

Full of wood, rock and other "natural" sundries, arbor is my second texture pack - -and some of the work isn't as good as could be … however, there is some really handy surface in there and I hope they are put to good use. This is another pack I want to follow up on, as a kind of grudge match.
Contains 80 textures.
Assault by N/A
Asylum by Dethtex
Asylum Light by N/A
Blaze Snow by N/A
BlueCelti Industrial by Evile Dick
BlueCelti Industrial Upgrade by Evile Dick
Bstretz by Angelheart
Building by Evile Dick
Casarosada by Vada
Celtic by Evile Dick
Celtic Shrine by Crista Forest
Coriolis Storm by Lunaran
Country by N/A
CStrike1 by N/A
Davo1 by David Ottvall
detail_arch by unDuLe
dethtex_ctf by Dethtex
dethtex_spacemadness by Dethtex
Developer Textures by JPolito

Modeled off of Valve's Source dev textures. There are textures for various liquids, lots of doors, railings, and square grid/gridless textures sized 64, 128, 192, 256, and 512.
These textures are useful in a variety of situations:
- Building rooms without having to texture them before you can add any gameplay elements
- Great for when you have an idea for how you want to shape a room but don't know how you want to texture it yet
- Useful if you're trying to move brushwork in a room around to better fit your gameplay elements. For example, if you find out that a section of your map is too small to fit the epic battle you originally planned, it's a lot easier to re-size the room without having to mess around with the textures. Once the gameplay is working the way you want it to, you replace the dev textures with whatever you want.
If you have any suggestions to make this texture pack more useful, contact JPolito and he will add them.
Contains 100 textures.
Doom by id Software
Egyptian sampler by N/A
Evile Misc 1 by Evile Dick
GreenCelti Industrial by Evile Dick
GSI by Evile Dick
HH3 Clockwork by Rorshach
Household Textures by Evile Dick
Japan17 by Oma
Knox by N/A
Kpur by N/A
Mansion by Crista Forest

This is an original texture art set originally created by Crista Forest for use in Unreal based level creation. It was converted to Half-Life format by Bryan Letcher.
"These textures were designed for use in an Unreal level that was based on the theme of a plantation mansion. I got the idea from a visit to Jamaica and pictures of the Rose Hall plantation there. However, my textures and level were only inspired by the mansion. They are not meant to be an accurate representation of it."
Contains 58 textures.
Meatpak by Pete Parisi
Metallic by NerdKing
mkoxide by Lunaran
NeutralCelti Industrial by Evile Dick
NeutralCelti Industrial Upgrade by Evile Dick
Quake II by id Software
RedCelti Industrial by Evile Dick
RedCelti Industrial Upgrade by Evile Dick
Rising Sun by Spar-X
Sunny Woods by N/A
TP Egypt 4 by Sock
Unreal by N/A
Venice by Locknut
wad:evil7:dismal-solace by evil lair
wad:majestic by Randy Reddig
wad:tp-egypt-5 by Sock