

Texture packs containing Water.

Assault by N/A


Exterior textures with snow, dirt and rock. Also some wooden interior textures.

Contains 66 textures.



A huge pack of textures, containing everything from liquids, to lights, doors, concrete, walls, signs, glass, wood, xen, etc.

Contains 173 textures.

Deep6 by Relic25


Lots of water textures, along with some miscellaneous interior stuff, lights, signs, etc.

Contains 109 textures.

Developer Textures by JPolito


Modeled off of Valve's Source dev textures. There are textures for various liquids, lots of doors, railings, and square grid/gridless textures sized 64, 128, 192, 256, and 512.

These textures are useful in a variety of situations:
- Building rooms without having to texture them before you can add any gameplay elements
- Great for when you have an idea for how you want to shape a room but don't know how you want to texture it yet
- Useful if you're trying to move brushwork in a room around to better fit your gameplay elements. For example, if you find out that a section of your map is too small to fit the epic battle you originally planned, it's a lot easier to re-size the room without having to mess around with the textures. Once the gameplay is working the way you want it to, you replace the dev textures with whatever you want.

If you have any suggestions to make this texture pack more useful, contact JPolito and he will add them.

Contains 100 textures.

Doom by id Software


Textures from id Software's Doom (1993) and Doom II: Hell on Earth (1994).

Contains 673 textures.

Evile Misc 1 by Evile Dick


A collection of miscellaneous textures, including grass, water, trees, camouflage, stone, shingles, walls, patterns, and more.

Contains 43 textures.

Japan17 by Oma


Japan Style textures, nature textures included.

Contains 34 textures.

Kpur by N/A


A mix of stone textures, tiles, brick, signs, water, etc.

Contains 220 textures.

Quake II by id Software


Textures from id Software's Quake II (1997).

Contains 1536 textures.

Sunny Woods by N/A


Both exterior and interior textures, with landscapes textures and cozy houses. Included some sings, vegetation and furnitures.

Contains 87 textures.

Unreal by N/A


Unreal style texture pack.

Contains 222 textures.

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